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new bloke on the block

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EricWoodhouse | 00:36 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Editor's Blog
9 Answers
If I answer a question, how do I know if it has been received or not.


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Only if u c a reply Eric....or keep looking back at the post xx welcome
You could click on subscribe button and then check at a later time to see and when happy it has been click unsubscribe.
The questioner has the answer emailed to them, as well as shown on the site. Some respond with thanks, some don't.
They only get answer notifications by email if they subscribe to their own questions.
Really...ive never had an email from AB....i just look back at my profile...snd "questions ive answered" xx
Most do tink, but as craft says if you subscribe, the answer gets emailed to you as well as put up on the site.
Me Too Tink

If you post a question, or answer a question, as long as you click 'subscribe' to that thread each time someone answers you will automatically receive an email telling you that an answer has been posted (but not what the answer is). Also a small notification shows up at the right-hand side of the screen below the adverts on the site.
Thanks guys xx

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new bloke on the block

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