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The AnswerBank: Safe Hands?

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AB Editor | 12:38 Thu 29th Sep 2011 | Editor's Blog
61 Answers
Afternoon all,

New logo for today.

Much cop? It might also be: "The AnswerBank: Jazz Hands"

What kind of hands are these?


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grasping or groping hands
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Sizing up in peller and rigby
yep, SP :-)
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Lol Charlie. That's the first thing I thought of!

Not a great first impression to any newbies.. Haha :D
reminds me of what the logo would be for a male version of hooters.
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it's an advert for walls ice cream.
they're what you get when you grope a scouse girl!
or after eating 100 packes of wotsits.

it has been known. ask fluff.
"What kind of hands are these?"

Filthy orange ones which look as if AB has a poor palmist painter who has been employed to jazz-up the site.

Why Ed are you changing the logo so frequently when the Rugby World Cup is still in progress.? Also I am wondering if HRH approves, seeing as AB supposedly has a number of Royal members.( Apart from me of course.!!)


Forgotten to wash your hands after slapping on the false tan....?
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Enjoying the site Ron?

Thanks for your contributions everyone.

Royal Ron.
Those hands look as if the want to appraise my cup size Ed.

Me no likey.

Now, if you could get murph to blink:D
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If you'd like to "like" any of them on FB, here's where:


I'll take the gropers down.

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