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Jokes Round-Up

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AB Editor | 15:22 Fri 27th Jan 2012 | Editor's Blog
10 Answers

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  • No! - 116 votes
  • 53%
  • Yes! - 101 votes
  • 47%

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why newsletter? you could fit them on a stamp lol
Who decides?
Question Author

They'll all be groaners obviously.
If the yes's win, I sincerely hope we can opt out of getting these newsletters?
The majority of the jokes are awful (even the ones that I post).

Maybe you could use the newsletter to highlight issues relating to AB, your intentions for the site in the future, about AB (who owns it and who runs it) and allowing AB users to update the others of important events/happenings in their life that they wish to share in a condensed format and not in the usual ways.
eek wolf dont give em ideas!!!
-- answer removed --
please no, it's bad enough trying to avoid most of them each day anyway....
If they are groaners Ed. You get my vote.

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