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A Quick Thank You

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AB Editor | 10:32 Thu 19th Jul 2012 | Editor's Blog
62 Answers

I'd just like to take a brief moment to say thank you to all the user moderators who have been doing such a good job of keeping the site clean, safe and peaceful. I also thank them for getting up a little earlier than me!

I would also like to extend my thanks to all those one hand who helped me work out the welcome email issues.




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> all the user moderators

Hear! Hear!

> I also thank them for getting up a little earlier than me!

Or staying up all night, in some cases...
10:33 Thu 19th Jul 2012
surely Barry would just soak it up? Like a sponge?
Still wouldn't want to damage Barry, maybe a medal, like wot the winners of the olympics get?

Sorry Ed, off topic
ah, B00, did you drop this?


sorry, can't quite read the small print
I'd like to thank the moderators for getting rid of the hideous trolls :-)
Thank you moderators for not banning me when I have been silly
Shush sibton.............there's still time.
Craft, I live in your shadow
They haven't noticed me yet............
Nor me either, I still haven't had my welcome e-mail. Got in through the back door. However, I am glad I have survived not being put on the naughty step so far.
Is that 'cos you is tiny to the naked-eye.............? ;o)
Thanks for that Jack................I'm currently 3'10"
what, like nanocraft, jack ?
ooooooo.......smaller than that, boxy, I believe.........LoL
oi..............I do have feelings you know. If you cut me I do bleed sob
I'm feckin furious that I wasn't officially approached by her who should be obeyed to be a feckin moderator, after all I've been here longer than most and always managed to duck the broccoli and keep the faith, it's unfeckin beleivable.
I didn't even get a welcome email, I definitely feel aggrieved , and who the feck who keeps puttin all these red lines in my answer?
I see no red lines, dotty!
You were never on here when you were getting 'all lurved up' dotty...........
Can you say fecking when you get to be a mod?
I thought you could only say that if you were Irish..............
I was still an accredited member though but! I'm as level headed and as fair minded as the next long as no one messes with me like.

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