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Anyone Else Having Trouble....

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cupid04 | 13:56 Sat 18th May 2013 | Editor's Blog
8 Answers
with the blue back button. Mine only works intermittently. [When it feels like it]


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Mine isn't blue- it's not fair.
Are you on an old version of IE?
If you right click on it you should be able to move to teh page you want
Are you sure that you are not opening a link in a new tab? A slight movement of the mouse as you click on a link can make this happen.
IE is a crap browser, use Firefox or Chrome, you'll notice how much better they are immediately :)
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what colour is yours, factor? lol!
I'm windows 7 and laptop is about a year old.
My back button is black. Have you tried right clicking on it?
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off course I've clicked on it, that's how I know it don't work all the time.
Don't like chrome, tried it and switched back. Never tried firefox. might give that a go. No worries I can live with it if I have to. Neither me or mr.c
are computer literate.
It appears to be that folk keep getting 'back button trouble' with Internet Explorer...So if you are using IE as your Browser, then you should take special note of what daffy has said, because she is 100% correct.

Download from here:-

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Thank you Alston and Daffy and everyone else who replied. I shall try what you advised.

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