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Ed I'm Being Hijacked By Red Words

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DJHawkes | 21:09 Sat 24th Aug 2013 | Editor's Blog
55 Answers
it's scary and i don't want them, please ban them!


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It's what happens if you keep visiting those Chippendale sites Dot !
18:08 Sun 25th Aug 2013
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participating in one to ona chat with a norton security person, they don't know what answerrbank is tut
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oo chat and security came up red ^
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OMG the people at norton are numpties
I'm surprised Dotty, I've always found them first class.
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Nothing at all for me even if I click on the link you gave at 21.15.
Get rid of Norton by totally uninstalling it and put on MSE, free.
Why the hell pay for something you can get free?
I did this 2 years ago and have NEVER had a problem since.
I just can't understand why anyone uses Norton when you can have MSE for nothing and its better.
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what is MSE?
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Run Malwarebytes. Do a "Boot time scan" of your computer.
You have picked up something "iffy".
(make sure you don't activate the 30 day trial)
DJH......It certainly appears that you have downloaded, no doubt something which you required, and a Nastie has come along with it.

You mentioned that, a toolbar item ' MixiDJ V30 Customized Web Search' has appeared.This is an item which is coupled to 'Delta Search' and both should be removed from your computer. Scroll down the link to the necessary browser for removal details:-


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Thanks guys., I think most of the red words have gone now, I managed to boot up in safe mode with networking and run malware bytes, it found 66 items! Up until yesterday everything was 100% fine but for some reason norton stopped working, the norton help desk were ok but i couldn;'t find my key code only the disc and they could not find my registration and so i can't reinstall it but i do have the windows thing anyway.
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the red words are still here, not as many though, malwarebytes has removed loads but that MixiDJ V30 Customized Web Search thing won't go away even though I have deleted it from my programs in control panel but i am running the WSE now to see if it picks it up.
Dotty.... Having uninstalled Mixi DJ from your programs, it it also necessary to remove the offending item from your Add-ons.

Click open Firefox > Tools > Add-ons > Extensions, and remove... Delta Toolbar; Mixi DJ; and Yontoo.

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ah OK thanks Alston, this mse scan keeps stopping on C:\Windows\System32\NIsLexicon0010.dll,
does it every time and I have restarted the scan twice, I used the Norton removal tool so got rid of that now.
It's what happens if you keep visiting those Chippendale sites Dot !
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now my laptop has frozen whilst the mse scan was running nothing works .
I probably ought not suggest too much whilst those more experienced are guiding you, but I've used Housecall from Trend Micro a number of times in the past. Might be an option if your other anti-virus scans are having problems ? It's not the only free online scan on the web, but as I say, I've used it previously with good results.
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well after all these scans and virus checks and removals i'm still seeing red words with double red underlines on here! It's crazy what the heck else can i do? I've just got MSE on here now, my daughter took malwarebytes off to make sure it wasn't conflicting with the MSE. now i don't know what next.
O_G.....I know nothing about any housecall.....although when I was in school I wanted to be a GP.

Joking apart, I think our lovely Dot has really got a serious problem which is progressing beyond my Technical Knowledge. Obviously some bug has hit her computer and it would appear that Windows Registry has been infected. Consequently, I Do Not know what next to suggest because I have never had any faith in downloaded Registry Cleaners which, if Not carefully deployed, can ruin a Computers whole Operating System which may have been capable of re-generation.

Come on you top Techies in AB; where are you when you are most needed.

Malwarebytes will not conflict with MSE. If anything will, it will be Norton or any residual bits which it leaves when uninstalled.


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