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Dear Mr Ab Editor....,.

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Smowball | 22:30 Thu 16th Jun 2016 | Editor's Blog
43 Answers
Sorry if it's been asked before but will it ever be possible to have a "like/comment" option nxt to each answer as on FB?? I often want to personally comment or answer specific replies but it's not possible and so any specific replies get swallowed up in the general thread.


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I would like to see this too.

on some sites the way to answer specific posts is like that (and add the time if the person you're answering has posted several times).
I agree. I have felt this for a long time. Please, Mr Ab Editor xxx

If you like FB, go play on FB, simples.......
This is AB Not FB, Let's keep it that way.

It's only a like option.
I’d like an ignore option where you just never see posts made by people you have chosen to ignore.
Good idea. I can't see that it would make AB like Facebook.

We used to have stars...
Oh I remember stars, they were 'likes' really.

Ignore option has also been requested before.

What's wrong with people, if you want to like or comment on a post you can do so by way of an answer and if you want to ignore an issue, just do so.
We're lazy :-)
Never quite understood the ignore option, not miffed about likes either but if they're there it wouldn't bother me.
^ She is ;-)
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It was only a suggestion - blimey! Lol
I've suggested it before, Smow.

It saves us posting 'lol' or 'I agree with xyz'
Hi! Not right now is the answer. We've got some exciting redesigns coming that we could talk about though!

I'm going to move this to the ed's blog.

Smowball, what's wrong with simply addressing the person your replying to.

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Dear Mr Ab Editor....,.

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