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Annoying Pop Ups

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Rockrose | 09:23 Sat 13th Jul 2019 | Editor's Blog
49 Answers
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The links on the thread I added have been disabled to prevent them being clicked.

Links here don't need to be clickable - as you'll have seen folk are determined to open them and see what they are about.
I’m not sure you should be giving advice on this nor sure that anyone should be taking that advice. I can only assume you know more about it than me then .... but nevertheless I’ll leave it to whoever you say disabled those links to mess around with any I post. I would hate to make the Ed’s task more awkward. These things are a nightmare for people using mobile phones.
I can see that they must be infuriating.
I'm getting them all the time on my iPad too Naomi
A pain in the proverbial Margo!
Margo, try to post the links here. The Ed is pretty efficient at stopping them.
Absolutely as I have to restart AB each time - 6 times today so far!
Not too clever at that Naomi, mine keeps telling me I've won an iPhone
Margo, I know. Quite often the pop ups block the AnswerBank screen before I get a chance to post the links here - and there's no going back. It's just start again, log in to AnswerBank, and hope for the best.
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If you’re daft enough to click on the links then pffft
Are you talking to me RR? I don't click on them just get rid of them and the have to restart AB

I'm surprised the OPer posted a live link tbh.
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No I wasn’t talking to you at all more the comments about people clicking on them.
Baldric in full sniper mode again I see!!
Baldric, we're doing as the editor has asked us.

Not at all RR, first time I'd looked at the thread and that was my immediate reaction.

We are obviously reading
// We don't want the links to be clickable, that would be doing the spammers' work for them! //
Baldric, undoubtedly... which I why I think if the Ed wanted us to tamper with the links she'd have made it clear especially to people like me who wouldn't have a clue how to make a link unclickable whilst at the same time leaving it intact enough to be dealt with. Wisest to leave the Editor to give the 'sufferers' advice I feel - and wisest for the 'sufferers' to heed only the advice of the Editor.

^ Clickable

^ Not

Disabling is easy, insert a space after https or put a dot immediately
before https ( .https ) any techie worth their keep would spot those
at first glance and reinstate it to deal with the post.

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