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The AnswerBank Education and Employment Poll

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AB Editor | 16:53 Wed 16th Feb 2011 | Editor's Blog
44 Answers
Good day! To follow on from our last "Big Poll" we would like to ask you a few questions about your working life. There are only three questions and it should only take a moment of your time.

This poll is closed.

Which sector do you currently work in?

  • Neither, Retired - 146 votes
  • 51%
  • Private Sector - 65 votes
  • 23%
  • Public Sector - 39 votes
  • 14%
  • Neither, Currently Unemployed/Not Working - 27 votes
  • 10%
  • Third/Voluntary Sector - 7 votes
  • 2%

What is the highest level of formal qualifications you hold?

  • GCSE/Left Education at 16 - 89 votes
  • 33%
  • A-level/Vocational Course/Left Education at 18 - 83 votes
  • 31%
  • Undergraduate Degree - 70 votes
  • 26%
  • Masters - 23 votes
  • 9%
  • PhD - 5 votes
  • 2%

Have you ever had to retrain during your career?

  • No - 122 votes
  • 43%
  • Yes, But Only To Keep Up With The Industry - 96 votes
  • 34%
  • Yes, To Change Industry - 63 votes
  • 22%

See final stats

Stats until: 03:25 Fri 05th Jul 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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Erm, I'm self employed and work in both the public AND private sector. Where is the box for me to tick?
need a third sector option.....
Question Author
There's always one. I imagine that if you're self employed you're in the private sector but take contracts from the public sector? I'd put Private sector in that case.

Question Author
Can you define the third sector for me please?
It's a good job then that I didn't mention I only work part time as I am semi retired.

Honestly, who thought up these questions?
Is this poll for targeted advertising, or just you being a nose-ointment, Ed? lol
Question Author
A bit of both Naz.
Third sector is the voluntary sector

in the news a lot with the "Big society" - Come on Ed keep up!
third sector - non government, not-for-profit
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Question Author
I would say that is private sector Jake. But point taken. I will add a third/voluntary sector option.

See - it's not just me!
It's not private sector Ed, it's not for profits, charities, social enterprises etc
Question Author
If you're not working you're unemployed, regardless of why you might not be. Carers are tricky - what do you think?

Please remember this is a broad poll designed to target a wide number of people and if it doesn't fit you exactly, we apologise, but it is the nature of polls.

Spare Ed
Spare - I bet you wished you had never bothered now!
.....and where is the category for diplomas?
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Question Author
The main thrust about this is the split between private and public sector (and the third sector now) so I think individual carers can decide for themselves what sector they're in.

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