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Sheila's wheels

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funkyrich | 16:17 Mon 03rd Apr 2006 | Adverts
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Why is it ok for a car insurance company to invite female only custom whereas if it was male only it would rightly be criticized as being sexist?


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I believe there was a test case brought before the European courts a couple of years ago with Diamond, a female only insurance firm being accused of illegal trading practices. The court found in Diamond's favour (if I recall correctly) because they were able to prove scientifically that women drivers have fewer accidents than men, and also claim significantly less in insurance. I too am surprised that the equality / equal opps people haven't made more of a fuss about this, but then I suppose car insurance firms discriminate on grounds of age and postcode too. I know that nightclubs are not allowed to run "Ladies Nights" any more - probably a good thing if you've ever been to one...

They do it by age as well of course.
It would be sexist if it wasnt such a catchy jingle !
they get away with it because they dont just insure women - they insure men too, but advertise themselbes as cheaper for women, which is probably true, however, as i said they do insure men too, as my husband is insured with them. They are an offshoot of some other company anyway ... admiral i think
Kazza12345, does your hubby get �300 handbag cover with them too? Thats what made me go with them.

perhaps they think that women are gullible enough to only go to them and not shop around.

In my 15 years of driving Ive always shopped for insurance every year and as yet, not one of these so called 'women only' policies has been anywhere near as cheap and standard companies

really redcrx? Im a woman and diamond are by far the cheapest for me. Fully comp my insurance is �195 per year with 3 years no claims. Nothing even comes close to that!

perhaps its the cars ive had. Ive never had a claim if 15 years. Cars have included a mugen crx, a 206cc, an astra, a c-max and all have been 2-4 years old. Ive always been only driver on my policies too.

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