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FAO Lankeela, Jules or "experienced" dog people

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RATTER15 | 10:29 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | Pets
43 Answers
Our young wolfie bitch has split her pad its fairly deep, we have cleaned and sprayed septicleanse on it and but an inodine patch over, it has been well dressed and covered with an elastic self adhesive horse bandage.

My query is: can a pad be stitched or glued? If it can be stitched we will get it stitched if needed on Monday.

we don't want to run up a huge vets bill unnecessarily and we wouldn't put our dog at risk. We are confident that we can keep it dressed sterile ourselves if that is all the vet is going to do and charge us £150 for the pleasure.

We will take her to the vet on monday if needed


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*grown a little*?...and I thought she was the one in the middle ;-0
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Lol Pasta, the one in the middle is Merlin, he is the oldest but only three and a half, he does actually look very small in that pic, he is shorter than the other two but probably heavier, he is built like a brick out out house. Merlin is my own special boy!
Hi Ratter did you see the post I left for you on here....thought it may help.

Lisa x
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Hi Lisa, yes I did see your post thanks, she is having it stitched tomorrow.
Hope that all goes well with Keeva tomorrow - we'll be thinking about her.
thinking of Keeva
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Thank you woofgang, we took her in at 08.30 she kept looking back as she was lead away, you could see the confusion in her, I hate times like these!

Im sure she will be fine, we have to phone the vets at lunchtime, is 12.00 considered to be lunchtime?
I am so hating this waiting to see that our baby Keeva is OK! I feel sooo on edge and can't wait to see her! Come on clock ... today you can run a bit faster !! .....:o(
yes 12.00 is deffo lunch time. I never get used to having a pup of any age in at the vet. As I said earlier one of mine (now at the bridge) cut a pad and had it stitched. It was torture for us but she recovered really well. Stitches in for 10 days and a huge dressing on then all healed and stitches out. Foot was very smelly and needed a good wash but she was fine.
hoping no news is good news
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Hi Woofgang, we phoned at 12.30 only to be told that they havent yet got around to doing Keeva yet Grrr.

We gotta phone back at 2.30
oh that's be fair at our vets that usually means they have had an emergency or more than one.....
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I agree Woofgang, that is what we said, a serious case probably took priority, no problems with that.
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Well we have picked up Keeva, she is still a bit groggy but is fine. It was a far deeper cut than we realised.
The vet explained that the wound may actually break down again due to the location, so we will be living in hope for the next week or so.

So far this one inch cut to her pad has cost us in excess of £500, its actually a small price to pay for our Keeva but still think it is extortionate!
Ah, good news that she is home and OK Ratter, and fingers crossed that no further treatment needed.

Not such good news about the fees for the vet, but well worth it obviously.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you all. I guess when you think of equipment, nurses, insurance etc, vets fees seem less extortionate but its still a bit of a lump to pay out....
go to the vet when dogs split their pads its very painful and may need some medical attention right a way!
your doggies are so cute! i hope its not really bad! whose the fawn colored dog he/she is so cute!
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Daisym6, We are experienced dog people we know what we can treat and what we cant, we have always treated these problem ourselves but we never hesitate in going to vet if we need to.

The fawn dog is Gilligan, (Gilly) 2.5 years old and such a smooch.

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