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Why do cats.........?

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SpikeyBush | 02:38 Fri 09th Nov 2012 | Pets
47 Answers
Ignore their water bowl inside, full of nice clean, boiled, chlorine-free water to go outside and drink out of the fishpond or a filthy puddle?

Stick their nose out the back door when it is raining, and then go and do the same at the front door to see if it's raining there too?

Ignore a bit of chicken left over from your dinner but go out of their way to steal a bit when you're carving the roast?

Come back in to use the dirtbox and then go back outside again?


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And why will they eat pizza, curry, toast and marmalade,peas etc if they can nick it off your plate but wouldn't look at it twice in their feedbowl.
Cats will eat food off a plate or bowl, if they know it is yours.

Put the same food in their bowl, and they would look at you with that accusing glare.
Oops. too slow typing
I remember one of my first puddies, back when I was in my early twenties and still quite louche. Theresa and I would often get plastered and get a Chinese take-away, the size of which was inversely proportionate to our drunkeness and appetite. We woke up a few times to see two little kitties eating left over curry off a plate on the living room floor while me and yer woman tried to work out where we were.
when you've got four of the evil, devious sods, you'll know that WHATEVER you do you are always going to upset at least one of them. And when ALL four are suffering "wrong side of the door" syndrome, you realise that there is sod all point in actually sitting down.
Thankfully, no 1 son was very small when he fell in, with only tiny pointy claws....

Mine are in crosswitheachother mode at the moment - get too close, whack!
lol and when you decide to decorate the bedroom (their haven) you just want to see the "looks" and hear the disgust. Funny.
You know what they say - Dogs look up to you; Cats look down on you and Pigs treat you as an equal
I moved the furniture round - how dare I?!
Can you therefore imagine, Boxy, what hell I am faced with?!!!!!! I've got four p****d off ***.
'er indoors always has a glass of water beside her bed.

She is sometimes woken by the sound of someone having a sneaky drink in the night.
You're just lucky your cat drinks water, mine seems to think it is just there to be tipped over at...
Cats wont drink from the same place as they eat...move the water away from the works for our two...Mash likes to have his tap on in the utility 4 times a day and sits in the sink.
Does he do this........ Media URL:
I like the music in the background, Duncer!

My old Tigger used to lie along the narow edge to the bath, when it was full, and had someone in it, and just let his tail float gently on the surface, how a fairly big cat found it comfortable to lie like that I will never know! He also used to curl up in the basin and stay there for quite a while, and was quite happy for people to wash their hands whilst he was there -I do miss him, the little cat we have now is a right little madam, not nearly so much fun as Tiggs!
cos dogs have owners and cats have staff
My daughter always has several cats - usually rescued. One day a few years ago one of her cats came up to her miaowing for food. She said "I'm not going to feed you till xxxx comes downstairs" and named other cat which I cant remember name of. Cat dashes away up stairs and reappears 20 seconds later with the other cat! Explain that.
My dog does the same - she loves the puddles and bird bath. Oh and the hose left running is her dream come true lol

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