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Cat v mouse

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Mooria | 22:39 Sun 20th May 2012 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
Our cat keeps bringing home mice, wouldn't be so bothered but they are never dead, so we then have to catch them! And advice on anything we can do to try and stop her! She has a bell, and this used to work - not anymore! TIAx


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Does she actually bring them into the house while they are still alive? Can see this would be a problem, is there any way that you could keep her outside until she has finished the job, as it were? Eg keep her cat flap shut if you have one?
Many times I used to try to rescue mice from our cats, but they don't survive, she is doing you a favour, don't try to stop her.
Unfortuantley, she just never kills them, even when we are trying to catch them, she will catch them again play with them and never kill them. She does the same with birds. But at least you know where they are. - she gives them to as a present, so try not to get to angry as its only natural just wish she would kill them first!
Just realised that i have answered that as a different person, as i have used by housemates account. - oppps.
Why are you answering as if you're the OP??
Murph used to do this, i got fed up of chasing round the house in the wee hours. Murph has 6 bells now, she can't move without announcing het presence
Ha ha
If my cat brings them in alive I just bop them on the head with a shoe and let him get on with eating it

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