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What If Animals Were Fat?

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B00 | 08:30 Fri 12th Jul 2013 | Animals & Nature
14 Answers
Friday frivolities :-)

This cracked me up.


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odd but funny.
I sooo needed the laugh that gave me
Very silly - but strangley lovely :)
.... or even strangely ...
how are things?

and i loved the croc
cheetah falling out the tree, very good
I seriously laughed til I coughed myself silly when it was chasing the gazelle :)
Question Author
Mini Boo laughed herself silly over it, our favourite is the zebras at the end :-)
Lol, the cheetal reminds me of Tigger when she was a little fat cat :o)
V v cute !!
The zebras at the end... :-)
I think I may have posted that myself a few months really gives ms the giggles...:-))
Question Author
apologies pasta x
Lol....I spoke too soon. I can't find anything in my posts. But I have seen it should be longer.

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