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Pets On Beds

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UKSWF | 21:44 Wed 09th Sep 2015 | Animals & Nature
56 Answers
I sometimes let my little Westie dog sleep on my bed (at the foot end- not 'in' the bed!) with me, my mum go's mad at me saying it is not hygienic. She is a bit right I guess but I have told her it is not uncommon for a dog to sleep on his masters bed. Come on guys back me up here "Dog on Bed?" Right or Wrong? Thanks


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dog/ cat on bed... keeps you warm when it is cold, listen to you complain, snuggle with you when you are upset, never argue back, don't tell you what to do and, just like a mum love you unconditionally. No brainer.. on the bed all the time! Very unlikley to spread illness to you and may help recovery when you are ill.
22:46 Wed 09th Sep 2015
My cats only sleep on my bed if we're not in it.
Four dogs in/on the bed - nothing better on a coId night. Iets face it, if they had anything catching you wouId get it anyway by Iiving with them!
I once took my goldfish to bed, but it was dead in the morning and all I had was a wet patch.
Wolf... "My boy cat sleeps on the bed and let's me have about a foot at the edge". Funny but so true I think cats are upto something.
Ouzel, Frankie comes to tell me when it's time for bed. If it is cold he sleep under the duvet.

His sister has a variety of sleeping places - but usually not on the bed.

Arksided, if a cat is awake you can be sure that they are up to no good.

Ah, Ouzel doesn't mind about bedtime but he always lets me know when he wants his breakfast - he can whinge for Britain.
I would but they would probably push me out, I'm all for it but mine are a bit big.
Lol at Ratter, my two Westies AND the cat all sleep on my bed ....I sleep better when they're there !!
Sounds like your Mum is outvoted!
Mine sleeps in my bed, in the crook of my knee.

Best of it is, if i stay up beyond what she is normally used to of a night she takes herself up to bed without me!
lol B00.

My dogs didn't sleep on my bed, they were snorers and I'm a light sleeper. It was too high for the little one anyway, he'd have needed steps. A doctor told me we humans catch more from each other than we do from our pets (as long as they're clean and we're sensible about hygiene)
It is a filthy habit allowing your pets to sleep on your bed.

Can you get infections from the.........YES you can.......but uncommon?

Do we allow our pets to sleep on our bed?......Yes we do.
All my life, I have shared my bed with multiple cats, and I am healthy, well adjusted and sane. Also very lucky to have furry, musical hot water bottles that never go cold.
Nothing unhygienic in it!
Ok so that didnt work! try again....
Ok, so something wrong with that pic so that it wont display, I give up.
It's the dog's choice , surely.
My cat sleeps on the bed for at least half the night and in the morning she lays on top of me for a cuddle!

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