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cat claws

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alijangra | 00:04 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers

My brother-in-law said I needed to trim my cats claws. Do cats normally need this done?



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Not normally no. Are they in door cats, if so maybe get them a scratching post. If they go out they'll use whatever they find. Ours use the garden fence. Keeps their claws in good order, but we also have a few scratching posts dotted about in the house.
No. We do have one of Trumpton's claws clipped by the vet occasionally, as he broke a toe once and has non-union at the joint, consequently his end toe sticks out to one side a bit, and isn't sharpened like all his other claws are. doesn't bother him at all.
I've just had to take my cat to the vets to have hers trimmed, they had become very over grown and a couple had curled right over and were growing into her paw pad (ouch.) She is 16 and has become less active now, normally a cat wouldn't need to have this done.

It depends on the cat (not just the breed).

I had two sister cats, and one's claws were always like needles, while the other had more 'normal' claws.
I cannot have her sit on my lap with those claws, since it hurts too much, even through jeans.
So we clip her claws regularly.

She uses a scratching post, too, and goes out, but I think she does it on purpose.. ;o)

I asked my Vet once if she would clip my cat's claws as he was always biting his nails. She refused and sais that cats didn't need to have them trimmed, if they went outdoors they would be fine. She also said that if they were trimmed then they tended to scratch alot of furniture etc in an effort to get them sharp again.
I guess everyone has thier opinion on this matter. I keep my indoor cats claws trimmed to keep him comfortable. otherwise his claws start to curl just as why?? said. Try to see how long you can go without cutting your own nails and see how you like it. You can really hurt your kitty if this is not done properly so see your vet about it. If you cut them too far back, you can cause severe bleeding as there is a certain point on the claw you should not pass. Do him a favor and trim him up.

Check this out it shows you how and if needed a restraint system if needed, this is info only what you do with it is up to you, I always trim my cats claws, since they did not go outside, if your does watch to make sure they are not getting too long, like Why?? said.

from a college of Vet medicine, here in the USA.

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