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How long do dog fleas live?

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justasking | 22:05 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
What is the lifespan of a flea on a dog?


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Only as long as it takes me to get the Frontline out of the cupboard!

Fleas do not actually live on a dog, they just jump on them as they go past the place where the fleas have laid their eggs which have then hatched out.
Found these facts for you:

The eggs develop into larvae or caterpillars, which feed on organic debris around the home.The larvae pupate within a protective cocoon from which an adult flea emerges.
Growth & development from egg to adult normally lasts 3 weeks.

Flea facts:

most dogs & cats are affected by the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis

flea ''dirt '' / faeces is seen as black flecks on the animals body that turn red when moistened

fleas eggs are laid in the house & garden; they are never found on the animal

flea larvae eat organic debris found on floor surfaces; they are never found on the animal

adult fleas can jump over 1 metre vertically

undisturbed, an adult flea may survive for over 3 months without feeding

female fleas begin laying eggs 2 days after their first blood meal

when one flea is seen, hundreds of offspring are likely to be present

Question Author
ooh im itchin just reading it. Thanks for the info.

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How long do dog fleas live?

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