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Fat balls

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horselady | 19:02 Fri 31st Jul 2009 | Animals & Nature
15 Answers
I've been "told off" by one bird lover for leaving the fat balls in the green net when I put them in the holder, because apparently bird's feet can get caught. Now someone else has said that I shouldn't bother taking them out of the nets and what a waste of time that is. Your opinions please?


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O dear - fat balls only mean one thing to me and I dont think you want to know nice lady :)
Dris! Get your mind out of the gutter lady ;-) lol
Well he is away for ten days at a time lol :)
Oh dear horsey you will have the whole of chatterbank on this thread now soon
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LOL!! That's why I titled the post like that-I just knew someone wouldn't be able to resist!!
All sorts of bird feed is strung up in nets, wouldnt worry bout it too much. Dont let folk 'tell you off' for silly stuff
aw bless ya -the tears are tripping me x
Ahh ah I thought as much
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When I went to buy them, I couldn't find them in the garden centre and a chap working there asked if he could help me, I just turned round and said "fat balls". The poor lads face was a picture. Exit one husband pretending he didn't know me.
I sell thousands of them in the course of a week. Over the past week or two I have been inundated by people wanting holders for them so they can take them out of the nets, as apparently someone on Coronation Street mentioned they could get their feet caught. I have been selling to the same customers for many years, and whilst I do believe it is possible for them to get their feet caught, I would have thought by now someone would have mentioned it to me.
We also sell peanuts in nets, which in theory would do the same. I would say if you are worried buy a holder which takes about six at a time, and take the nets off. I am certainly doing ok selling them!
When someone says to me 'fat balls' I reply they are good for your tits.
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Thanks lankeela for your reply, I wonder if the person who said it to me had heard it on Corrie. I shall keep on leaving them in the nets as usual. Thanks also to the other posters!
Hi horselady, only just spotted your post.

It does seem as though we are getting conflicting advice but it does say to remove netted bags on the RSPB and all other birdy sites. Not sure whether I've Cand Pasted this correctly, but it should show what can and does happen if not removed. arden-birds-fat-balls-14022008/
problem solved - I put fat into the aluminium trays that you get pies in! the birds have no problem eating from it
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Thanks Cetti. I'm even more confused now! I think I may just pop outside and have a word and see what the birds prefer-seem to have a gang of jackdaws out there today with a row of little robins sitting along the top of the fence watching them.

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