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Poorly cat?

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milly143 | 10:28 Mon 20th Sep 2010 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
Since yesterday morning my cat has been acting really strangley. It's hard to describe as there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him to look at, no scratches or anything but he has seemed quite lethargic. He is usually quite vicious and won't let you near him but last night he lay on the floor and let me stroke his head for about 20 minutes without trying to attack me once. He also spent most the day sleeping on my bed which he never does and didnt seem to want to go out much. He doesn't seem to be off his food. It's my own fault for boasting to my sister in law on Saturday that I have never had to take him to the vets. Do you think I should take him to the vet or should I give it a few days and see if he gets better?


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If he's eating and drinking I would leave it for a few days.
do his ears feel hot to touch? He may have a temperature... good that he is still eating... see how he is in a day of two - cats can get colds and virus's.. so he may just be feeling a bit lousy!

Good luck!
is he drinking and weeing/pooing okay?
is he entire and does he fight? if so maybe an abscess starting -frankly could be lots of things so best is to keep a good watch over him - check his claws to see if they are scuffed which could indicate he has been bumped by a car - there may be a new boy on the block and your cat has had a fright - as I said, all sorts of things but if he's eating, peeing and pooing okay hopefully it's not too serious - he has had all his jabs hasn't he?
How old is he?
My Rover - who is usually a vigorous cat - has a quiet day now and again, sleeping most of the day and off his food. He's 13 and I have learned that it's usually when he's been scrapping with the cat next door, and is quietly nursing his bruises. If he's still like it tomorrow, give the vet a ring - better safe than sorry, but eating and pooing are usually a guide that things are still fairly OK.
^^ also, if he's not moving much, make sure he has drink indoors. My cats never drink indoors, always out of buckets and saucers in the garden, and a cat can get dehydrated quite quickly if not eating much.
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Sorry, have only just had a chance to look at all your answers. He hasn't used his litter tray for a few days but often doesn't anyway and as he has been out then he may have done his business outside. He seemed in the same condition last night. I opended the door to get him in and shook his tub of treats which usually makes him shoot through the door but he just ambled in quite slowly. He has plenty of water down in the kitchen and seems to be drinking the same as usual. This morning I went to give him some fuss and he seemed a bit more spritely (witht he usual instant attack mode) so I will check him out tonight. I will also have a look at his claws and see if they are ok. Thanks for that suggestion!

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Poorly cat?

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