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Waxwings anyone?

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rowanwitch | 10:12 Tue 09th Nov 2010 | Animals & Nature
31 Answers
Big influx this year...who has seen them already....and if anyone finds them in West midlands please let me know Desperate to tick them on my list


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rspb pocket birds is a great one, it's nice and slim and fits in a pocket easily. tells you all you need. i think most people start with this book.
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you're very welcome :o)
it's a great thing to do, gets you out in the fresh air and gives a bit more interest than just going for a walk. also means if there are any mobility issues, you get a stop/start walk and it's not as tiring, you can walk miles and miles without even noticing.
put some feeders up in the garden too, you'll be REALLY surprised how many different birds you regularly get in an ordinary sururban garden, 38 in ours, and i'm sure there are people who get a lot more than that.
be warned though, you'll get totally hooked :)
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loads of beginners books but recommend join RSPB (£3 per month) and also concentrate on the birds you are familiar with for a while because many of the key descriptors involve things like size eg with waxwings slightly bigger than a starling but not as big as a also helps to be so good on the common ones anything rare leaps out of the crowd,,, be careful though it is addictive...real hunting...ticks are your gaming scores... where do you live again? can probably suggest some good sites to start and a list of things you should be able to find fairly easily by the way the RSPB offer a free bird book one notch up from the pocket one when you join or other gifts....take the book
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we got our pocket one free when we joined a few years ago.
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Kingfishers....most of the common ducks, great crested grebes and dabchicks,
Not a lot listed for cheshire but you if you fancy a trip with your dad the DEE estuary is one of the best places in uk for waders right now.... What bins have you got...? might not be suitable and there is a greater manchester bird group
[email protected]
It is a great Hobby vibes, and if you go walking with your Dad a lot I'm sure you both would find it therapeutic and relaxing !
It's an inexpensive Hobby as well.
Yes. Saw a bunch today, have photos (though a bit blurry) SW London.
Yayy :-)
Hi, i live in Burntwood which is just over the West Midland border into Staffordshire and we had a large flock today. Had about 20 - 30 waxwings in the tree outside my house before flying off so i think they are definitley about. Hope you get to see them as they are really quite special.
Hi, i live in Burntwood which is just over the West Midlands border into Staffordshire and we had a flock of them in the tree outside our house today.

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Waxwings anyone?

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