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OK Ed - I Give Up....

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Robinia | 12:03 Fri 16th Sep 2005 | Site Suggestions
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What have you done with FP? 
She really shouldn't be cooped up in a dungeon at her age!  (sorry FP, just going for the soft approach.  If that doesn't work we'll turn ugly!!).


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I was trying to compose a little ditty for the same theme like...... Alas alack, FP is not back, Biddybankers unite, we are going to fight......that's as far as I have got. So come on AB Ed release our friend.  Robinia have you considered that FP may have asked for her posts to be pulled.  I think we should be told one way or another.
I have contacted her but didn't get a reply, so perhaps she is away at the moment. Doesn't explain where all her posts have gone though.
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Mmm I've just found a message from AB Ed at the end of Vinny's post below (Morning Ed) which says...

Hi all,

FP is vacationing in the cyber-rainforest at the mo., collecting specimens to dazzle you with in future. She says "Hi" and will be back later.



Sounds more like lost in the woods to me!  Don't worry FP we'll send Vinny in to rescue you - hope he's been watching Ray Mears!!

I promise this is me (FP).  For personal reasons I have decided I spend too much time on the net so have deregistered.  LittleMouse will not be posting any more either.  I should have said goodbye, but didn't want to draw attention to my demise.  Sorry.  I am absolutely fine - Jane Grove will be upset!!  I may come back one day and will tell you when I do, but for the foreseeable future I am no more.  This is my last post (that sounds like Jane Grove's predictions have come true!!  xx 
Sorry you feel you have to leave FP, perhaps after a wee break you may feel like coming back! But whatever you decide care and good luckxxx
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Oh FP I'm really so sorry to hear that & I apologise if you wanted to just slip away but you never could have disappeared unnoticed.

I too spend far to much time on the net in general but there have been times, especially this year, when it's been one of the only things to stop me going mad.  Maybe with the winter approaching you might feel differently & come back.  I daresay that most of us will still be here somewhere, even though I almost went from this site myself recently.

Take care & thank you for not leaving a mystery. xx

Hi sis
Sorry to hear you are leaving us. Hope you will be back one day soon.Take care and God bless
Sister Shaneystar .XX
please dont go dont have to spend all day on the internet..just an hour here or their..jane grove is a pain..and if you take any notice of the pains around they have won..its like now all the regulars are rarely posting and we all know why..where as we should be posting lots of posts and make their posts dissapear down the page..we are all old enough and big enough to take our rightfull place..lets talk about the weather and gardens in cb bore them to death..i read one post where someone rude said we were all wallowing in garden muck..i havnt been posting much this week for the reason that no one has posted anything worth while answering..please fp dont go..if jane posts anything else rude we will all jump in and make her look what she is..sorry he..if we dont post then they are running us out of answerbank..and the winter is round the corner..and we will all have to take up knitting if we have no posts to answer..please reconsider..

I thought I better add another post.  I shall miss all my lovely mates on here, and I promise that noone on this whole site has made me want to leave (no, not even JG!).  I ignore all the rubbish that is about these days. It is for personal reasons I need to leave at the moment, but you haven't seen the end of me and I will have a look occasionally to make sure you are all behaving yourself xx

Hope you feel like coming back soon and everything in your life works out wonderfully (is that a word) we'll miss you. x x x
Oh goodbye for now FP we shall all miss you at the Silver Surfers Club. I enjoy all your posts.. Keep in for now come back soon...guess we have to respect your decision..still you will be missed..
I am still sobbing sis.
Your decision and I respect that but I shall miss you dreadfully.
Look after those aches and pains....will be thinking of you .Don't forget an aspirin a day keeps janegrove away !!
Perhaps we will run into one another one of these in days in "Cookies" Cley- next -the- sea!!

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Flippin' heck shaneystar don't start me off - I already felt miserable today before I came on here.... sniff..
It's no good Robinia ...we will have to send Vinny out with his fishnets to see if he can snag her !! Failing that we will have to see if we can tempt her back with the promise of regular chish and fips and a new pair of pink pyjamas!
Hi FP, So sorry to see you go, take good care of yourself, I wish you well and hope to see you back in the future. Kindest Regards cat woman xxx  :-)

Hope you are well & enjoy your semi-retirement FP (or should I say LittleMouse).

By the time you return, there may be a FossilBank category! -xx-

Oh smudge that's a good one.

I went away friday to take my son jake to uni up in cambridge,and just got back...feeling a bit tired and a little bit sad.And have just read this thread..and Now I feel even more fed up!!..FP you have always been one of my favourites on here....and I will always notice your not here anymore.....Ive no work tomorrow so Im going to sit in my bar and have a few Becks....FP look after yourself...will miss you vinny  xxx

I'm sure Littlemouse will be back, she probably needs some space - but we will miss her. Take care xx.

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