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netibiza | 17:37 Tue 25th Oct 2005 | Site Suggestions
47 Answers
Dear Ed it is now imperative that we get the Biddybank up and running as us "oldies"are just getting lost in the CB and miss out on each other. It's getting very lonely now. I love the youngsters and their threads are quite amusing but it's all a million light years from where I want to be. Thanx xxx


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Hellooo...gessoo....(:)Hope..your..keeping well(:)xx

I just knew you were lurking about in the background - if so:

"Hi FP - hope all's well with you & your's".

Netti,what was that garden called,on the seafront..up towards could sit in this old victorian shelter,and there was a long lawn and at the end all you could see was the sea(tommy cooper use to sit there when he wanted to be by himself)i sat there a few times when i worked at the mostyn hotel.(:)very peacefull.
I think it is a great idea but does it have to be called Biddybank. I don't think I'm ready for that yet.
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Is it FP? Hello I do hope it's you. Missing you.
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Vinny do you mean Holywell???

That's it... I give up with the young 'uns! I offered a free loan of the BiddyBus for the day to Rubyrose & Dakota who appear to be getting married but are they grateful?? seehere

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Well now I am confused - I thought Rubyrose was female (or am I being politically uncorrect here?) Robinia please don't lend the ole Biddybus to anyone as it's on it's last legs (like us!) and the youngsters only want posh cars. Is it my turn to clean the bus???
You're confused neti?? I'm completely flummoxed. Think I'm going to give up on the whole cb thing, I'm certainly not going to reply to any greens on there again (unless I'm 100% sure who it is) as yet another one confesses to being someone who was here before & banned..... grrrrr....

Oh sorry, about the BiddyBus, no, I think it's gessoo's turn to clean!!

Are you listening gessoo????

Come on gessoo - you can't get out of the cleaning that easily - show yourself!

gessoo.come back and sought Robinia out...!!she's talking to people who are banned now..its all getting out of hand..we need guidance the old biddybus a clean(:)

Yes ,thats it netti(:)
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Vinny - do you remember the huge slope in Holywell? My dad used to slide down that on a tea tray when he was a kid - how he avoided all the trees I'll never know, although maybe all those years ago the trees weren't there. and do you remember the Sugarlump (or loaf) I used to love that little mountain.
netti,I lived in eastbourne for about 4 years.I worked and lived in the mostyn hotel(I think it was burnt down a few years later)then i lived in enys road.I have a Vauge
memory of was such a beautiful place to sit.I remember a documentary about tommy cooper(who Id met in the cavalier pub)sitting in afraid I dont remember the sugarlump.But my sisterinlaw still lives in eastbourne(langley)so next time im down there I will take a walk to holywell .(:)'s been a lovely day, so warm & sunny for this time of year.....

It's ok everyone - carry on I was just passing through, talking to myself.

You see Ed - us old uns need a place to pass half an hour in peace.

Me again! graemer's back everybody!! In People & places. :-)
That was a nice suprise Robinia..(:)
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Vinny it is not Langley - it is Langney, so get it right. Am just popping off to see Graemer - the way's clear for you now Robinia now that FP has gone - you won't have to share him.
oh alright then netti wrists are slapped...ouch..(:)

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