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letter counter

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joko | 22:08 Sun 08th Jan 2006 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers

How about having a letter counter onscreen to tell you how much space you have left - i often just type away and then get told theres too many letters and have to edit it.

also how come, sometimes, when i remove words etc i get the screen coming up and saying there are more letters than before!!? how is AB calculating these things?

its annoying becuase when you take the text into a word document its never the same total.



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Hi joko! Great idea!

Seconded. It's good to see a proper posting in this category. It shouldn't be beyond the techies to implement that as a feature as it'd help everybody.

Type what you want in "Word" if you have it, that as a word counter then cut and paste it
Question Author

woodsz - thats part of the problem - the totals are not he same. try it.

Hi joko

Interesting! We will have a look into this and see what we can do.

Thanks for the suggestion.

AB Editor

I suggest this ebsiste tools for couting letter,s words nd characters

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letter counter

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