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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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Goodnight Shaney x
spring is sprung the grass is riz
I wonder where the biddies iz?

Morning all - Ooooooh spring is definitely not sprung!! it's painfully cold here - wind chill factor between minus 7 and minus 3 apparently. Nothing we can do about it I know but I'm really fed up of it now.
Hope everyone is ok.

btw for the Birdybiddies I've a post in A & N today.


Morning Robinia
Make sure you have your liberty bodice on in this weather.
It didn't get much above o here yesterday and it's certainly much colder today with the wind of the sea.'s sunny and no snow as yet.
Have a good day...keep warm!!
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morning all - this'll make you happy - it's chilly here again, although sunny. Left off my liberty bodice, went to town and got very cold around the middle. Brrr, and it was soooo nice yesterday.
Hello all. The sun's out now but very cold as Robinia says. Been to town this am and bought a Summery top from Per Una to cheer myself up. Can't wait for the Summer.
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Good news - I am coming over to old Blighty in August (hopefully if easyjet lower their prices) Hubby and I are also hoping to go to America in June. I'll keep online and check you are all behaving.
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Think we are being sent here for our next home

new biddy home

does Colditz spring to mind???

Afternoon all - Jude are you sure you're a biddy? Buying summery tops in march?..... tut'll be leaving your vest off next.

I like the look of that place neti - I'll fit in very well, all pale & scary. So you're turning into a jet setter? I'm alerting the authorities that you'll be in the country so they can take the necessary precautions. I think America should be able to cope.
where's Pickle - is he ok?

hello folks, how are you all? I spent most of the weekend asleep, still can't shift the **** virus and isn't it COLD!!!!

Have been out this morning, and this is how I now feel!


Will catch up later when I have thawed out!

Well that sure is pretty, but not what I intended!!!!

Hi Woofy I had a virus in Jan. and still have the tail end of a cough. The Dr. says it takes ages to go.

Yes Robinia I'm a true Biddy. Mid 60s. I think I'm one of the oldest here!:o)

Lucky you Neti, holidays to look forward to.

Gessoo Don't know what happened either - thought I was the only one who made piccy mistakes! Cos I'm rubbish on computer!.

OK I give up!! It was a photo of a woman carved in Ice in Alaska.

Hooray not got to!!
nice internet tour there, gessoo - the Chinese bit was full of eastern promise
I wonder what happened. I got a lovely picture of your ice lady Gessoo and everything went 'haywire'. I copied and pasted but nothing....

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Hen or chicken

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