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chatterbank..... is there any.. and I mean Any chance of it coming back?

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dove | 22:26 Tue 10th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
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OO where have you been??? Hiya! It would appear not but we are awaiting the Platinum membership upgrade Dove.
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HIYA DOT, please get in touch soon xx you could always ask jo, dak or pixi for me e mail. Miss you and your shoes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

just been on MSN 2nite with Jo and she is back in a bit so will ask. I saw the pics of your big adventure with Jo lol fabulous!
Who's dove?

And no- definitely not to your
I think yes!! bring it back, maybe only for a trial period to see if we can be good?
Hi dove

We felt that the ChatterBank put a big strain on our moderation and technical support and that the type of content it provided detracted from the main purpose of the AnswerBank in that being a Q&A site. You will find that some questions develop into a discussion and for this reason we do allow a certain amount of chat in order for people to get their message across, as long as it�s not profane, abusive or incites people to violence. Think we�ll have to leave the ChatterBank at rest.
moderation is what editors do and what CBers didn't display...
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gotta admit though CB was awesome when it st started, I loved it.
awww dove it wont ever come back, i loved it at first but at the end it was a heap of crud. I cannot understand ab eds reply about cb though cos what i have seen over the last few months on body and soul made cb seem a nice friendly place to be.
By heck, you're right there ABEd - I'm normally a peace-loving little ole pensioner, but there were times when I was incited to violence and really wanted to throw my teeth at certain people!! Safer for all to eliminate it!!! (Would have thrown the corset, but couldn't get it off)
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Don't think so. Most previous chatterers are twittering away on B&S !

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chatterbank..... is there any.. and I mean Any chance of it coming back?

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