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Quizzes and puzzles subcategories

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Christiana | 10:39 Wed 18th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers
Like so many others I feel the subdivisions for quizzes and puzzles are ill-thought out and really not necessary especially for those of us doing crosswords, where overlaps are now inevitable. As someone says below 'If it ain't broke, why fix it'


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I am going to keep posting in the main section of Q&P regardless.
It is a real pain switching from one sub cat. to another, so I sugggest we all do the same until it's sorted.
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I agree. I hope everyone else will do the same.
with you christiana, c/words, quizzes, anagrams are all puzzles so just the one topic should cover them all .
Yes they have boobed with this section .Should be left as it was with the possible addition of just one sub section for the people who do the Postal Quizzes ..perhaps as a trial run?
We have just seen it fail miserably when someone had several clues ,some of which were anagrams others cryptic .What do you do....split your post in half ?

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