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I give up...

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Lie-in King | 19:25 Mon 29th Dec 2008 | Site Suggestions
28 Answers
Right, I'm normally fairly easy-going, but am losing what little patience I've had with this bl**dy site & my will to live is disappearing fast - my last answer took 7 minutes to go through - I had to give up yesterday, as the pages kept coming back "Can't find it...", "Ooh, a timeout..."

Yesterday I & several other people were unable to successfully post a question, let alone answer questions already on the board!

Instead of p**sing about with "special prizes", why don't the morons that "run" (Hah!) this site start thinking about buying a better box of tricks & someone that actually knows how to work the damn thing??!!

If this question gets through & I'm not banned because of it, I'll go to the foot of my stairs - but I'd still be interested in any response from "Super-Ed" - as some seem to think he should be dubbed!

I'm going to try & get back into Q&P now & hopefully join in with my friends in answering some queries...

...Sorry for the rant, everybody!


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I agree the AB Ed does all sorts of cosmetic things,but doesn't try and improve the technical service.

The AB Techies may twiddle with their knobs,but WE don't get a better picture!
Well i used to say I`ll show my @rse in Woolworths window but that gone by the by now.:-(
you still can but no one will see it the shutters are down

::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: you need wifi?
-- answer removed --
YOU might say that,I couldn't possibly comment!
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1st post since yesterday...will it get through, or has "Big Brother" banned me for being so outrageously subversive?..(Lol!)

Hi all! My first chance to get back, & I'd like to thank you all for the feedback - you've all got stars, so no sulking please! While I'm thinking about it, why can't it be possible to "Rate this answer" more than one at a time?

...Turning into a right little rebel, I am... :-))
ooh yer maj ive been spitting feathers for ages trying to answer then when eventually it gets through there are 3 or 4 answers before me pah!!! not that we are competitve eh?
Happy New Year
Mamya x

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