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get leggy off here for good

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zzxxee | 17:23 Sat 25th Jul 2009 | Site Suggestions
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he comes under 1001 different names humilates and hurts people show your support by signing your name below


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I'm trying to be impartial, and not take sides. As i said last night, the amount of daft greenies coming on here being vile and abusive led zzxxee to get her report finger in gear and her replies to the greenies were consistently dismissive and almost abusive yes, but after the weeks of the greenies being just the same it was understandable.
However, because of that I can see why zzxxee was led to think that monty's id, which was somethign about vodka, was confused with yet another greenie troll.
this was all gone through last night.

What was also pointed out was that zzxxee would be mortified if she knew about monty's tragic loss, but she didn;t, and so yes because she made that mistaken assumption she should apologise, but i have just read that she has.

Hounding her off the site now, by insisting conditions of her apology will not help anmd will certainly not be what monty would want IMO.

Let's not forget all the aggro from the troills has led to this, and if there is any misunderstanding or any doubt about who the greenies are, it is not zzxxee's fault is it? It is the fault of the persistent trolling that has gone on.

its stompes
theres been talk that zzxee is stompe ?

and noway

its alll very confusing and stupid.

im always legggy i dont hide

never have

thats what annoys them .

ill say to monty thanks bathy
now don;t start that he is this he is that she is her she is him thing, that confuses the issue leg.
I agree completely dot. I think the people who come on pretending to be someone else and the constant abusive greenies have to take most of the blame for this. I for one don't know who is who half the time but I just ignore them. Sometimes it does get annoying and I think everyone gets fed up with it at times.
Thanks. I'm off now, but Hotel California etc................;-) x
and also, hinting that you think someone is also someone else may be seen as a way of intimidating and suggesting that other users are not worthy of due consideration, it;'s like saying, 'Oh it's only legend being abused he's used to it' or, 'they're only being insulting to dot and she won;t mind so ignore it'. I'm not sure that's how we should see other users on here.
Granted-all the trolling can confuse people....but it is better to be a wee bit cautious,before accusing a new user of being someone else.
I also believe an apology to monty would be better posted as an 'fao'......then it will be directed AT and TO monty....rather than buried within a thread.
pasta leg has just casually hinted above that it is suggested stompe and noway and zzxxee are all the same, which is what happened with zzxxee and monty yesterday.

i havn't looked for zzxxee's apology yet pasta, can you post a link please?
but dot zzxxees reasoning was

she thought it was me ??

so its ok to abse me ?

you see what im saying ?
now she wants me banned for life ???

because it wasnt me she abused

and she meant it to be me she abused

so now lets try and get him removed ??

seem fair to you dottty?

i missed the actula abuse just saw snippets
as i was with visitors heer on holiday

believe it or not eh ?
dot i said its been said
and it has been posted here

but i didnt and im not abusing zzxxee for that

she is me tho
It is within this thread dot....... stion787787.html

I personally don't think monty should have to take extreme measures to 'prove' who she is........when it comes down to it,can any of us???
what a pile of sh1t........really...ffs if anyone believes all that [email protected] has lost her son...and for that Im very sorry.......but to drag all sorts of names and persona's into the mix is ridiculous.......this is a website!......Yeh I talk personal stuff in a jokey way to people I actually know.........I would never put my whole life on here.......about time you all gave it a rest.... sorry...:-((
I've just read on the emd of B00's taa daa thread your comment leg about zzxxee abusing monty when she returned last night, in actual fact that isn't quite right, zzxxee was under the impression the greenie was either knobby or legend and was assuming she was being abusive to one of them, she had never heard of monty and so could not have been abusing her at all. Does that make sense?
You all need shooting.
so yes i agree leg she thought it was you and was being abusive to you but she was not being abusive to monty was she? i suppose whether ot not she was right or wrong to be so aggressive towards who she believed was you is up for debate too.
me as well snags?.... :-((
thanks for that snags, i certainly feel like i need shooting i'm rough as ten tonight. my heads not right at all
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this thread will only incite more hosility zzxxee, why not just avoid each other, if legend decides to be abusive on your threads then report him to the Ed,
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