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I want to be lost… Or maybe I am lost! Nevertheless, I've decided to become a cube of ice… The world has ignored me and has been unkind to me. Why should I not treat the world the same way it treated...
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What are some well written and mature romance novels about a man who either hates the world or is an alcoholic, and no matter how much *** he puts his female partner through she rehabilitates him? ps...
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I'd like to know what "flounder" means in this sentence. Thanks in advance. The children themselves, one and all, exult in the wet mess and flounder of everything, and make me feel that one day they...
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What does the last line (“Play up! play up! and play the game!“) mean in this poem (written by Henry Newbolt)? There's a breathless hush in the Close to-night— Ten to make and the match to win— A...
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RIP Richard Battenham. Another wonderful potter joining Phil and John.
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what is a plural...
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Has anyone read a really good book lately that they can recommend. I like most types of novels except for the really lovey dovey slushy type....
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is it thanks or is it thank's...
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I have just learnt of the death of John Leach. Such a kind and informative man. Always willing to give his time and pass on his wide-ranging knowledge. All condolences to his family. RIP John. Give my...
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RIP Dame Elizabeth Blackadder. Thank you for the pleasure you have given with your work. You make it look so easy and it isn't. You made everything so calming and colourfull. Thank you....
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is whinnie the pooh a boy or a girl is a question that is circulating the internet there is a meme that goes like "I was today year old when i realised" and people are saying i was today years old...
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Khandro I have been looking at translations of some ancient Chinese texts & I see these two characters keep reoccurring in the originals. Does anyone know what they represent please?...
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I've binged watched four seasons of The Handmaid's Tale in little over a month (it's just about the best thing I've seen in years). I cannot wait for the fifth season to air. Has anyone read the...
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Philip Larkin's first novel, "Jill", was set in and around his time at Oxford University. Does anyone know of a female author whose novel (first or otherwise) is set in the same hallowed environs? Ta...
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Is it 'Lost in Translation.' or 'Lost in Translation'. (forget the question mark here). What I am talking about is to the position of the full-stop or comma relative to the single quotation marks. Is...
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Here it is:
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The old man and the sea .It’s one of the books I thought I should read .Don’t know assume it not about an old man catching a big fish and losing it to sharks or is it ....
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I am an addict of the Flashman novels by George Macdonald Fraser. Anyone love his stuff, or hate his stuff?
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.. John Cooper Clarke. Listening to this on audio, the best laugh! Lots of coverage of the Manchester clubs & music scene....
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how to spell quarantine? quarentine ? did i get it right? it comes up in red underline...

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