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OLd Lob

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bdlarter | 23:25 Sun 19th Oct 2008 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers
Who remembers Old Lob and his farmyard animals?
It was my first reader and I remember it almost verbatim.


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I remember Farmer Lob - though I thought I was the only one who did! When I mentioned them once to Mr Spudqueen (who is the same age as myself) he rolled around the floor laughing! I learnt to read with these books at primary school in the 60s.
I've been thinking about Farmer Lob and I'm not really sure I remember the stories - except, was there one about a chick which only had one eye, one wing and one leg?
I remember Old Lob. Everyone seems to think that Janet and John books were the first ones used in schools but this is not so. I guess you must be around 50 (or even older) same as me. My brother is 3 years younger and has no idea who Old Lob was!!!
I'm only 46 - maybe my school didn't spend money on books!

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OLd Lob

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