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I have secondary breast cancer, so palliative care now. First bone scan today.

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AryomGrob | 08:10 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Health & Fitness
97 Answers
I have secondary breast cancer, so my care is palliative now. I'm having my first full bone scan today. I'm a wimp and scared of needles! I have pain in my right side and my lymph system is in fighting mode. I'm usually cheerful but sometimes it's difficult. I have wonderful family and friends who are supporting me so well. Please think of me today if you will. Moyra


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Hi Moyra - they are not the easiest places to sleep in , in my experience.
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you are right there...lots of strange noises in respiratory ward in the night!
Just caught up with your news [ dodgy computer !!] hope all continues to go well for you and best wishes
Well if and when when you get some rest enjoy it, am off now night night xxx
You crossed my mind today moyra and i couldnt remember ur username but remembered "moyra" and typed in ur name and here i am!!!!!

Sending hugs and kisses to u and my very best wishes! Hopefully chat soon..luv tinksxx
Thinking of you, Moyra. (HUG) x
tink, im glad you posted i was thinking of moyra the other day, i hope she is well.
I wish you well, ive had three bone scans, and they have all been negative, so i know the worry you are going through. I will think of you.
My best wishes to you Moyra. Den xx
"dont worry be happy" i told this to my grandma... seemed to help
i will be thinking about you in my prayers
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Hello. Thank you for lovely messages. The bone scan showed that the cancer is attacking my bones. It has caused a small fracture in my hip. The cancer has reached my chest but not my liver. I have been put on chemotherapy which should help me to feel a bit better. I had a picc line put in today and my first dose of the chemo. It will not make me lose my hair. My second dose of chemo is on 5th January 2012. I'm feeling rough I'm afraid. I have pain in my tum and my back and have hardly any energy. My friends push me into the hospital and around as I cannot walk far at all. I've retired from work. Thank you all for your concern. It cheers me. Moyra x
Oh Moyra bless you, I surely hope that the chemo will at least help somewhat with the pain, so glad you have the good care of friends when you need them, sending prayer and positive thoughts ♥
Hello Moyra. Glad you enjoy all the comments for you, there are some lovely ABers around. Your friends are wonderful to help you out as they do, but I reckon you deserve it for all the good things you have done too :) I think your cheerfulness may surprise some people, but, as you and I have said before, a positive attitude goes a long way. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day and I hope that the picc line will help you quite a bit. Speak soon, take care and sweet dreams, Viv ♥
oh moyra, bless you,
im typing this with tears filling my eyes..
i send you my very best wishes xx
You cross my mind a lot Moyra and it's always nice to hear from you, but so sorry you are feeling so rough and I hope the chemo helps you as much as possible. Stay strong lovely and know that people far and wide care about your wellbeing. Just rest as much as you can and wait for the grottiness of the chemo to wear off when you should have more energy and less pain. Take care.
Here are best wishes from the other side of the heart goes out to you. You are going through what all women dread to acquaintance of mine, very old (102 y.o.) was diagnosed with breast cancer, I guess as long as women have boobs they could become cancerous. I will pray for youl
No horn
Hope the chemo buys you a decent amount of quality time with your loved ones... Thank you for sharing your journey with us...sounds a bit pretentious but sometimes its important to see things from a patient perspective . Hope you have a good Christmas you should be over the first batch of side effects by then
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Oh you know sometimes it's the ABers which keep me going. I'm feeling a lot better today than I did yesterday. The district nurse came round and flushed my picc line. She was friendly and came along with a colleague to help her. They both met Gizmo my little black kitten who of course showed off so they made a big fuss of him. Tonight I'm going out for my work's Christmas curry night. I retired from work about two weeks ago, so it will be good to meet up with former workmates and commiserate on the weight of the post they have to sort and deliver and the cold, snowy weather they've had to work in too. I shall probably just have Pilau rice and Bombay Potatoes, but that should counteract the effects of the Morphine! ;-) Moyra x
Hope you have a good night Moyra, you deserve it. xx
Moyra, great that you are going out tonight! You were mentioned on NoM's Good Wishes post this morning, I'll try and find it for you. Have a lovely evening!

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I have secondary breast cancer, so palliative care now. First bone scan today.

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