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Smoking Not....

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fredkins | 00:46 Thu 10th May 2012 | Health & Fitness
37 Answers
It is 7 weeks since I stopped smoking with the aid of E-Lites, they are brilliant, I would not smoke another normal cigarette again,ever.


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Well done
So you'd recommend them much do they cost?
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Hi craft1948, yes I do, They are brilliant that is if you really want to stop smoking.It has been 7 weeks for me.I feel so chest healthy.I can breathe.
Are they reliable, though?
I cut down from 60 to 3 a day by using electronic cigs, but every brand I tried, I had battery failures, valve failures, burned out atomisers, leaky cartridges. Living in Greece, it would take days to get replacements, so in the end, I reverted to the dreaded weed, 'cos at least they work all the time.
.. if they are reliable, can you get them on the web?
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Yes you can get them off the internet,just put in E-lite electronic cigarettes.There is also discounts and free E-lite tips.
Well done fredkins, just dont let your guard down!!

7 years ago I gave up a 50 a day habit "cold turkey" even now it can be tempting at times.

Complacency is the killer, beware!!
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Thankyou RATTER15.Just out of the sheer hell of it i did try a normal ciggy not a patch on the E-lite, binned it.Definitely no more normal ones even if I smoke these forever,I feel my chest is fantastic,that is why i wanted to stop smoking not the money but because I couldn't breath and was coughing terribly and I mean really badly.
60 a day, 50 a day........the mind boggles . How did you find the time to do anything else?
Thanks fredkins - wish me luck!
"60 a day, 50 a day........the mind boggles . How did you find the time to do anything else?"

Believe it or not, you can smoke and do other things (like writing software) at the same time :-)
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A very big good luck rojash,will power and determination you can do it.
Good luck rojash!!!!
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I had a very good reason to say goodbye to ciggies I tried everything,even tablets from the doctor,but no success.These imitate the real thing.
Well done, fredkins. I stopped at New Year. And it feels great, doesn't it? And good luck, rojash.
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Yes it do'es Kiki-frog.I feel well chuffed with myself.
I can honestly say I actually do not feel any better for giving up but I never felt ill before. I know that giving up is probably going to help me avoid health issues and I will live longer but I never actually felt my health improve, I think I was hoping I would be able run a marathon and feel 20 years younger, no chance lol!!!
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Do not think I could run a marathon at this stage either or any time,but I have a better sounding chest.I was so worried,it was really bad I was coughing,well hacking if the truth be told everyone was commenting on it,I could not even laugh without going into a fit of chesty coughing ,all gone now and that was the first thing my family etc said had subsided since giving up.
Well done Fredkins , I'm pleased you're feeling so much better. Here's to many more years of laughing out loud!
well done fred, do you think you may eventually stop the e-lites ?

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