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Psychic Feelings

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vernonk | 21:43 Thu 23rd May 2013 | Body & Soul
301 Answers
Do you believe that - maybe even have examples of - some people can somehow sense what you're thinking or feeling even if they're a long distance away and haven't seen in you in a long while?


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Society...yes unless the person struck by lightning can store the power of the lightning strike and re-radiate from his/her lightning modified brain. This sounds like comic fiction.
I do know someone who was struck by lightning, he doesn't have any enhanced mental abilities as far as he is aware, but he has lost the use of his legs.
Society, do you have an suggestions as to how lightning can selectively 'rewire' the brain. It is all very well to make vague unproven assertions, but do you not think perhaps it is about time the pro-psychic tendency came up with some ideas instead of just accusing 'scientists' of being blinkered.
I have read of the odd case that it has happened jom...but how it has or why I haven't a clue, would be interesting to know from those who may have studied it.
Jom, //he doesn't have any enhanced mental abilities as far as he is aware,//

I don’t know anything about people being struck by lightning, but I just wanted to say that I don’t believe the person who ‘transmits’ these thoughts is 'aware' that’s he’s transmitting them. The recipient, on the other hand, is aware of experiencing unprovoked thoughts and feelings, but has no idea of their source. I don't think this happens on command. It's completely spontaneous and random.
It's possible to study things without knowing how the full process works -- Newton's Law of Gravity for example, which he even acknowledged himself was unlikely to be the full picture.

I don't think that this would be any different.
yes some people have that gift
Society, do you have an suggestions as to how lightning can selectively 'rewire' the brain. It is all very well to make vague unproven assertions, but do you not think perhaps it is about time the pro-psychic tendency came up with some ideas instead of just accusing 'scientists' of being blinkered. "

I have no idea how or why this happens. I have read about it and I've also seen it reported on the TV, and it has happened more than a few times. And not only scientists are blinkered, we all are blinkered in some way.
we are all blinkered in some way.

How true!
Jim, // It's possible to study things without knowing how the full process works//

I realise that – I’m not a complete stranger to science. However, you haven’t a clue how any of this works, so what do you have in mind? Where’s your starting point?
I'll have to think about it some more because it occurred to me overnight that my initial idea already rules out automatically daisya's claim to be able to see the future -- because that would violate causality, a principle that is effectively set in stone. Though, to be fair, it also makes a lot of sense.

So in order to build even a basic model I'd have to build in causality-violating terms, so it may take longer than I thought to set up the toy model.
Isn't that something entirely different. Who could be transmitting messages to her from the future? It sounds like a separate study to me.
I don't think it's different. No-one has to be consciously transmitting messages from the future -- but either:

1. There is some way of seeing into the future by receiving information from the future itself. Perhaps such signals are just always being transmitted, and the idea of such information propagting backwards in time has been explored already;


2. The future is in some sense pre-determined so that one can find information about it in the present. Daisya was speculating about the second possibility, I think, earlier.

It's a matter of personal preference perhaps but on general grounds the idea of Super-determinacy has already been tested (yes, really!) and found not to work in one context, whereas signals going back in time remain possible in modern Science.
Jim, //No-one has to be consciously transmitting messages from the future //

Whether the future is pre-determined, or whether signals are 'always being transmitted', I don't think any of this is done 'consciously'.
That's how I feel Naomi, though still question if the future exists and if it does, how do certain people tap into it. Big "if's" I know and unlikely at this moment in time to be answered (unfortunately).
Whether the future is pre-determined, or whether signals are 'always being transmitted', I don't think any of this is done 'consciously'. "

Only by aliens :)

(this is a good exchange of ideas, great thread)
Society, it is a good thread. We must make sure we subscribe to it. It will be off the front page soon.
Well at least that's one thing we agree on. I was going to assume that at some level this would be a new, as yet undiscovered, interaction between matter. Probably, since it's clearly not an interaction at a fundamental level (we'd have seen it already otherwise), then it would be something that appeared only between, say, brains as a whole (or the mind?).

Then you could model this in one of two ways. In both cases the information would be passed by a new form of energy -- and this energy could be quantised (although I may try to relax that assumption).

Anything beyond this I haven't got a clue yet. I did an initial calculation earlier assuming that you needed to be close to someone in order to be able to "read" them that suggested a remarkably high probability of such psychic feelings occurring, although that was almost literally back-of-the-envelope.
jim, //the information would be passed by a new form of energy //

Oooo ... I think you're getting warm! Not new, but simply, as yet, unrecognised.
This is a whole new topic' but, do you think people with telekinesis powers exists?
I am trying to take this seriously. It would be nice if you could take my efforts seriously too.

I already knew that this would have to be a new form of energy, or what have you. The problems are:

-- Why does not everyone have this ability?
-- Two why does only the brain as a whole detect it?
-- Why do said feelings only appear to manifest themselves when no-one's looking?

As far as I am concerned such questions are insurmountable and shouldn't be dismissed so lightly, and yet despite that I'm still proposing to take some time to try to examine this anyway.

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