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Barsel | 14:52 Sun 16th Aug 2015 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
Why do I get hiccups when I eat certain foods. Always with toast or a sandwich or a scone, it gets on my nerves.x


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No idea!

Are you on any medication?.............side effects may cause hiccoughs.

Does any specific food bring it on?

Do you eat quickly?

Are you a smoker?

Ah! just read your OP re. certain foods. There is a well recognised connection between certain foods and hiccoughs, but the reason is unknown.
sorry Barsel, can't help,....but just had to share a recent family funeral I saw my brother-in-law eat a dry scone. It was huge. No butter, no jam, no cream. Nothing. Just a scone.
That's all! Hope you get some answers ;)

x x
I would ask same as sqad, do you unconsciously eat quickly?
Carrot cake is nice isn't it Bath .. when you can get hold of a slice! :0)
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Lol Bathsheba,couldn't eat a scone without either butter or jam and cream.I have a cousin who doesn't think you should put butter on anything sweet like a scone or fruit loaf etc.There's some strange folks. :-)
Sqad and Elina, I don't think I eat quickly and it only happens when I eat bread type foods. I don't smoke but I am on medications. What sort of medications can cause hiccups sqad? x
Barsel.......some anti-anxiety and anti-depressive drugs.

Also some drugs in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

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Thanks Sqad, will read the leaflets for side effects of the drugs I take.x
I get hiccups but only when I eat chocolate, nothing else causes it.
I may be way off but isn't hiccups spasms if the diaphragm? I used to get spasms of the diaphragm in the form of indigestion when i ate wheat based foods- they were just too hard to swallow, literally. Try a gluten free version and see if the same thing happens! It could be linked with intolerance - mine was. Do let us know what happens ?
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Thanks Scarlett, I have noticed when I do eat bread type foods that when I have finished eating, I feel like the food is stuck in the back of my throat.Interesting that vulcan gets hiccups after eating chocolate.Think I will try the elimination thing to see if it is just certain foods that give me the hiccups. many thanks.x
I very much get hiccups when I haven't ate for a long time. Usually when I take the vertigo my appetite goes and I can't eat so I get the hiccups then. So all kinds of info out there for you Barsel.
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Thanks JJ x

\\\\\ I feel like the food is stuck in the back of my throat\\\

if the above, which you have just entered into your post, is of recent origin, then make an appt to see your GP as you may need to see an ENT surgeon.
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Hi sqad, sorry I didn't add that to my original post but I had that 'food stuck ' thing years ago and I was told it was stress so I assumed I was stressed with keep getting the hiccups.Will keep in mind what you have said though.Many thanks.x

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