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Sore Throat

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smurfchops | 09:50 Sun 17th Jan 2016 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
OH has had a sore throat for almost a week, with some coughing, mainly in the evening and at night. Usually after three days these throats develop into a cold, bit still has the sore throat, no cold, and not on his chest. Is there a virus going round? Or could be some sort of infection? He doesnt like bothering the doctor, typical man.


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If he hasn't a temperature,not sweating, no earache and no difficulty in swallowing.......then no big deal. Give him Ibuprofen 400mgms every 4 -6 hours and he should be fine. Yes, it does sound like a virus infection.
Nearly everyone I know at work, me included, has had some combination of cough, sore throat and or runny nose over the last month. Lots of viruses going round I expect and that's probably what a GP will say. The mild winter hasn't helped at all.
One of our doctors, long-since retired, recommended gargling with soluble aspirin for sore throats. It works for us.
Or gargle with apple cider vinegar . It has to be the natural one ( from H&B ) with the " mother" ( sediment ) in. Works for me.
I had similar advice, bhg.

Dissolve a couple of soluble co-codamol in a glass of warm water & gargle every four hours - especially at bedtime.

Swallowing the gargle doesn't hurt & may help, but do not take any other tablets containing paracetamol or codeine.

Don't do this for more than a couple of days at max though.
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Bhg. He says this is really soothing, many thanks. Sunny Dave, why use for only a couple of days, any idea? Thanks all
Because the codeine in co-codamol is potentially habit forming (it's a member of the opioid drug family - albeit a relatively safe one at routine dosages).

It can also cause constipation if used for too long ...
Nothing to do with the gargling it is the aspirin that is swallowed that gives the relief.

Unless of course you spit out the gargling liquid.
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Thanks all

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