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For Bruce5755!!

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lindapinda | 13:54 Wed 16th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
How's your arm faring? Is it back in full workng order again,or still painful? Haven't heard from you and yours lately.


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HI linda, It's been a while since I've been on AB, Bruce's arm is still not right, his physio saw him last week and told him that he will be allowed back to work if he's on light duties, no such thing in the engineering trade, his boss came to see too and has said that he doesn't want him back till he's 100% even if it's not till the new year also our Doctor has refused him of any thought of returning. I'm stressed at the moment ( things are not going too well at work ) I have put a question in Job's & Career's which januaru_bug has answered and given me some good feed-back. My mam is o.k. she has good and bad days, she was at the hospital this week for a check up and they are talking about having the camera down to see what going off as she is bleeding inside, she is still waiting for another heart scan too. Well bye for now, hope you and your family are keeping well, take care, God Bless LOL cat woman xxx :-)
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Hi catwoman,am really pleased to hear from you again! I tried leaving you a msg on here last week,but it was shifted to c.b. and got buried of course. Its great to have a decent boss like Bruce's.At least you don't have to worry about his work,to add to your worries.I read your question in J+C,and was shocked to hear what is happening! She seemed so nice,and it all was looking so promising.I can sympathise with major work problems,cos if you can't leave them there,they start to affect your home life too.I hope the hospital gets your mum sorted soon,you could all do with a bit of good luck. I'd left a msg for you in D.H. too,and fagin was asking also! Look after yourselves..Lindaxx
Hi l.p. Thanks for asking, I'm o.k. Just keeping my head down, AB was turning a bit iffy for a while and I thought I'd keep out of it for a while. Nice to know there are some good people out there! Cheers, B.B.

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