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Low Sex Drive

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MartinMillar | 10:12 Sat 02nd Jan 2021 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
I know I am opening myself up here, but...
48 year old woman zero sex drive any ideas?


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You know what you've got to do, Martin.
Talk to your partner.
I'd go with the 'grin and bear it' attitude. You'll probably enjoy it once you get started.

It happens to most of us at some point.
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Is there a supplement that would help? Men get the little blue pill?
Has this person tried using a vibrator to see if she can satisfy herself. A know of someone who developed quite a taste for it.
Cue buzzcocks song?
It might be worth a conversation with your gp, sometimes a very low dose testosterone supplement can help in older women. Talking it through with your OH and having a spell where sex is off the table for a fixed time say just two weeks, then start with a non sexual touching phase, massage etc, then external sexual touch , trying to relearn old responses and maybe discover new ones. It's easy to get stale and to the point where you can't be arsed. Being honest has to be the way forward, has your OH let himself go a bit, if you discover its that you don't fancy him, rather than just not fancying sex with anyone he has a choice as well as you. I wouldn't grin and bear it you could put yourself off even more.

Just make sure you don't lose the emotional intimacy, talking, touching , that closeness might just get you through.
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Thank you for listening
Have you considered discussing HRT? I know it has many pros and cons but increased or renewed sex drive is a common side effect.
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I thought you only got that if you suffered symptoms- I have had none
Low sex drive is a symptom. When did you have your last period?
I still think it might be worth at least discussing. It's prescribed for several reasons apart from sweats, moods and flushes including low sex drive at that time of life. For example my mother was offered it in her 70s for anxiety that may have been hormone related.
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I am post menopausal Barry that has been confirmed by blood tests
Thanks Prudie, will speak to the dr
I'd suggest bringing the subject up with your GP. Surely there must be tests to check things like hormone levels, or questions to ask to pinpoint possible affects to your mental condition.

I assume physical issues have already been checked, nothing putting you off on that account.
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I haven’t raised this with the doctor yet
You may find this article interesting:

I have used this product and can highly recommend it for increasing your libido, among other things:

They have a FB page worth reading.

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Thank you polly
And thank you everyone else
I think the clue might be that you are post menopausal, Snap to me. Went from a very high libido premenopausal to zero post menopausal. It’s sad too cos I went thru early menopause n so i miss that side . I have an amazingly wonderful and supportive husband tho. We communicate really well so we can both see each others views on this
Ps on HRT but it didn’t bring libido back unfortunately’s gone. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Hormones are the most likely reason for women. If your body believes it is (temporarily or permanently) infertile, it will see no need for sex. Loss of libido is the biggest side effect of all hormonal contraception, menopause etc... and it makes perfect sense.
I believe women can use viagra as well (but not sure how safe). Hopefully your GP will have some ideas.
"I believe women can use viagra as well"

Of course they can but it is totally ineffective.
Ok, sorry to hear that, sqad ;-)

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