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I Have Been Suffering With Extreme Tiredness

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tamaris | 16:08 Sun 21st May 2023 | Body & Soul
81 Answers
For some time now. I have had an all clear for recent illnesses. I had a ct scan, bloods taken, and biopsies taken but everything is normal. I have no energy. I've mentioned it to the doctor but there doesn't appear to be anything wrong wirh me. I'm baffled, is it worth going private ?


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Choux, I don't know why you think sqad is very knowledgeable. How can he possibly advise Tamaris to go see a psychiatrist without knowing anything about her?
17:07 Sun 21st May 2023
^^^Thanks buenchico---I wasn't suggesting that tamaris had this either . I remember now that it was 'M.E' .
Tamaris, I don't know if you've ever gone private, I haven't, but I believe you pay for the Consultants' time, so 15 mins might cost you £75 and obviously more the longer you are with him.
Hopefully though, he won't refer you to a psychiatrist or tell you you have S.A.D.
As I said earlier, I would consider going private if my GP tells me my thyroid is fine and there's nothing wrong with me.
Also, I would pay to have more than 15 mins, as I don't believe that is enough time to talk about it.

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No barrel I've never gone private, but this exhaustion is ruining my life, thank you for the info, not sure where to start
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No brsel I've never gone private, but this exhaustion is ruining my life, thank you for the info, not sure where to start
tamaris, only you know how your extreme tiredness affects you but I suspect you are unable to reconcile it with general ageing. If you can afford it do go private - health before wealth. Of course a GP can miss things as retrocop and many others can testify.

Anyone can make suggestions to you but you need peace of mind now and, hopefully, more enjoyment of life in your retirement. Take Sqad's advice to go private and don't mind his manner, he is extremely knowledgeable and that is what you deserve. I do wish you well.
Haz, those are the symptoms I have and I take levothyroxine, so I'm hoping my blood results will show I need it to be increased as if it isn't that and he can't come up with anything else, I will go private.
I take it that Tamaris will have had a thyroid function test.
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Hazlinny, sorry to hear about your mother, that is interesting to hear. I also don't listen to so called doctors on here
Choux, I don't know why you think sqad is very knowledgeable.
How can he possibly advise Tamaris to go see a psychiatrist without knowing anything about her?
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Thank you barsel, he knows nothing about me and is always so rude. It's not called for when ppl are ill. I never take any advice off him, I prefer he doesn't answer anything on my posts. We can be anyone we want on answerbank, it's easy enough to look up things on Google.
The trouble with going private is you need to know where to start and tiredness is vague. If it was me, I might start with an endocrinologist. Just look them up at your local private hospital. I`ve been private for a few things - usually a couple of hundred quid a time if I remember rightly. There didn't seem to be any time limit and I wasn't rushed.
Tamaris......message received and understood.
16.52 Just to add to what I wrote, the GP at first suggested she had late onset asthma as she was so tired and prescribed an inhaler.
Tamaris I wish you well whichever path you take
Going back many donkey years I can remember when every time you went to the doctor he would say Rheumatism.
Doctor, I have a pain he......
Rheumatism, take asprin!
Tamaris, let us know what you decide and how you're getting on.x
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Thank you bobby
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Thank you barsel x
Thanks for BA Tamaris. I think we are probably both in Sqads bad book. :-)
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Haha who cares lol x
Am I bovvered? Do I look bovvered? I ain't bovvered. x

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