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Very Sad News - Sqad

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Prudie | 22:20 Tue 02nd Jan 2024 | Body & Soul
174 Answers

It’s with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you that Mrs Sqad has asked me to let you know that Sqad passed away on New Year’s Day. He had been quite unwell recently as many of you realised so now at peace. He used to really enjoy this site and I know most people had engaged with him at some time or another. I met them both several times in Menorca and have remained very good friends ever since. Sincere condolences to Mrs Sqad at such a difficult time, she really is the loveliest lady and Sqad really was an amazing husband to her. RIP my lovely.  



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So so sorry to hear this. Squad helped me several times fir which I was extremely grateful. Sincere condolences to Mrs Squad He was a gentleman. RIP

Another sad day for "The Bank". Sqad was a comfort to many over the years with his advice and reassurance. Condolences to Sqad's wife and family, Thanks to Prudie for bearing the bad news. 
R.I.P Sqad we are going to miss you. 

Just seen this thread.

Very sad to hear this. Always very helpful on here with his advice. Thank you Sqad. Condolences to his wife and family. RIP Sqad.

I have just heard this news. 
Sqad delighted me, irked me, entertained me, amused me. He was a good caring man under all the bluster. 
I rarely venture on this site now (so very different from when I was a regular on here). But I held a special regard for Sqad. 
Rest in peace my man x 

Kerp those arguments going boy, wherever you are... 

RIP Sqad.

Sincere condolences to Mrs Squad family and friends. 

He has helped me a few times with advice. 


RIP young man x

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Just to let you know Mrs Sqad is reading your kind messages. Thank you for making this a sticky.

Thank you for letting us know that, Prudie. 

I do hope that Mrs Sqad derives some comfort from knowing how well liked, respected and valued her husband was on here. He would also state "Mrs Sqad says......" and we valued her views too.

Very sad news R.I.P Sqad

I am just sitting here thinking how  Sqad and his wife helped with looking after and feeding the stray cats in Minorca. He was a big softy really with a heart of gold.  A very special person

I remember him speaking with great affection about the cats...that made him very human in my eyes.

I really can't find the words to adequately express my deep sadness at sqads death and am not ashamed to admit I have shed a tear.

Prudie, thank you for letting us know, you're a lucky lady to have met him.

And Mrs Sqad, look after yourself, I hope you can take some comfort in knowing how well thought of he was here on AB, and how many lives he touched x

Sincere condolences to mrs squad,one of my ab heroes.RIP squad the world is a sadder place today without you.

Such a sad loss. I had great respect for sqad and valued his advice 

RIP Sqad, always read his medical advice with interest.

This is very sad news. Sqad was a fantastic AnswerBanker and well respected. We thank him for the service that he provided to many AnswerBankers over the years. 

RIP, Sqad. 

Thats sad to hear, sqad helped me many times with medical stuff, RIP.

For the memories ...

63270 answers, at 400 mg per answer, that must be 25 million milligrams of ibuprofen ... or 25 kg!


Just read this and am very sad to learnnos Sqad's passing.

He helped and reassured so many people on this site including me.

RIP and deepest sympathy to Mrs Sqad

Just seen this.

Sad loss to AB, I always enjoyed his posts.  RIP Sqad.

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