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Eastender | 11:38 Tue 30th May 2006 | Body & Soul
20 Answers
What cause's nightmares whilst sleeping at night. Ta


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Because otherwise they'd be daymares :-) Nah only joking. They are just dreams some people may find you nightmares not scary at all. Different things makes people dreams nightmares to them.
well im not sure about the causes but you need to differenciate between nightmares and night terrors
I have great dreams on cheese. Now thats a different question all together. :-)
Question Author
Sould have known better then to post this question and have a bunch of Dullards answer. This used to be an interesting site for GROWN UPS !!!

dont be so harsh eastender....heres a link to a site all about it. if you were such an GROWN UP you would have just typed in "causes of nightmares" onto google, like me

your helpful friend, Dan :-)

err...i am not the only person to have heard that cheese can cause nightmares!

as has been said, look it up yourself instead of expecting us to do it for you if you are so grown up!

Was a bit of a stupid question but we still answered. Cheese does cause nightmares. How very dare you :-)
Question Author

Yes like your answers very CHEESY lol. Suckers!!!!!!!!!!!


ooh sure got us all good and proper...oooh good one...what hilarity and cunning

I know joko, I havent been able to sleep at night. The shame in falling for that question and oh my god actually answering it. I can never show my face again. :-(
Tension, anger, fear.... repressed emotions mostly. Its usually worries in the back of your mind that have been bothering you for some time and you haven't spent enough time to understand why.
Question Author

Thanks echo for your civil answer.

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Nightmares can be normal - just a sign of whats going on at the back of your mind - or can be a sign of a traumatic event that you can't get over. When you have a nightmare, its best to treat yourself as if what happened in the dream was real, ie, be nice to yourself that day, because it can feel as if you really went through what happened in the nightmare, which is upsetting obviously.
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