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Me and me mate

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jaredwillias | 14:29 Thu 01st Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
We are both the same age, i am recently single and he is with a girl he has been with for 5 years.

Anyway, everytime we go out together, he pulls girls....whereas I dont. We are about the same level lookswise, but I just find it very strange that the women seem to go for the attached guy.

I am single, but when i was with my ex, I NEVER even kissed another girl, i was sensitive caring and now i am single am finding it hard to pick girls up, wherreas hes having is cake and eating it !!!!

Whats wrong with this world ???


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If he;s attached he will give off "I'm not desperate" vibes which is attractive - I'm not saying you are despearate but you are clearly on the "lookout".

Instead go out with the intention of having a good time and go out without the intention of pulling. Just you see... they'll be flocking.

your name probably puts people off
I wonder aswell i never even pulled til I was 28, still it was worth it we are happy after 18 years, theres someoine for you
flipflop is right he's relaxed maybe you're not just chill and enjoy its amazing how attractive that is!!
flip fllop is dead right - your mate is purely out having a good time coz he is attached and so comes across as relaxed and confident,whereas you,no matter how hard you try to hide it,are probably looking at every girl as a potential date,and women can smell desperation a mile off! I would pick the confident laid back average looking guy over the shy,desperate hunk every single time.

Yep, whay Kazzianne said

Confidence pulls girls, but try not to be over confident as (im told by past lady friends) that appears arogant, and a huge turn off

Just relax. Go out to enjoy yourself and try to see girls as just friends. There are girls out there who just love quiet caring blokes, but confidence is important. Enjoy being single, it's not a crime to be single and as you said in another thread you are only just single. Give yourself some time. Single can be great!! There's so much to see and do in this world. What's the rush!

One day you will find your soul mate and it will be all the better for waiting!!

jared- are you aware of the ladder theory.

go to .html

just replace the 0 for a o
I still think jaredwillias is jibjab!! lol
Yes Kazz, I have said the same in all my posts to jared"jibjab"willias

Jared, or jibjab � your posts are boring and repetitive beyond belief. Ok, so you are a good looking graphic designer who was dumped by his girlfriend who started going out with her ex who got her pregnant when she was younger and who now has genital warts. But you are unhappy with your lot in life because all the men around you are sewing their wild oats whilst you are living like a Franciscan monk in a cave. I think the problem is that you whine too much and women are just put off by your conceitedness and your low self esteem and your constant incessant moaning about how bad the world is because you can�t get laid.

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