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my wife

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mnko | 00:43 Sun 23rd Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
my wife is at her wits end. she is 15st 6lb she is trying to lose weight but it doesnt want to shift. she has been eating healthy, exercising (curves), and taking xenical, but nothing is working. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be the problem or any suggestions on how can she shift the weight she only wants to see a pound a week loss but that aint happening. she has an under-active tyhroid and is on eltroxin for that and her thyroid is now working fine. please help as she is getting really worried about it.
Many thanks in advance.
i will be letting you all know how i'm getting on 2morrow.


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I have an underactive thyroid and i have been on eltroxin since 1987, (did u know she gets all prescriptions free for life now whatever the meds?) it is a problem and unless the dose is accurate she will not achieve any weight loss at all. the thyroxin (eltroxin) is a fickle med, it has to be just right, and after all these years I have learnt that it is right at certain times and at others it is merely life saving. She needs to avoid wheat, bread, eggs, pork, sunlight, harsh shampoos, and try to relax after meals to help her slow matabolism kick in. it can be really hard to lose weight with a thyroid condition and dieting is not the answer , correct diet is, eating small meals 4 times a day will help, oil of evening primrose will too, but only if it isn't being stored as fat elsewhere lol. there is a booklet she can get from any pharmacy that will tell her more, but it isn't solely food that will be causing her to not lose weight.
Wasn't she your fiance last week?
fiancee B00, women have 2 ees lol of those too then ^^^^^
Hi mnko, sometimes when you are carrying a bit of extra weight it's better just to follow the healthy eating side of it, to start off with. When your wife has lost maybe a stone then she should start light excercise. She's maybe doing too much too quickly and her body can't cope with it just at the min. Best Wishes to you and your wife mnko....tell her it will start coming off :) xx
I agree with dot on this ..I too have an underactive thyroid and this time last year was as miserable as sin because I had gained weight and could not shift it and didn't know why.
As soon as i went to my GP and they diagnosed this condition I was given a diet to follow from the Practice Nurse.
This was in January this year and I have now lost three stone and am back to my normal self.
Low fat diet basically it. Large dog ..three hikes a day.
You don't need to pound a treadmill....just walking briskly is enough.I'm not too brisk with my arthritic joints but I force myself !
This is the diet sheet I was given.Believe me it works.It's just tips on what to eat really's mind over matter. df

There are lots of others ion+and+Dietetics%7C
I was 22 stone and am down to just under 19. I have followed a low-GI diet. I am going to increase my exercise a bit now to help.

I have various help problems too and losing weight is so hard. It is good that you are supporting her - just don't nag her or make it a big deal. You only live once, being fat is not ideal - but making yourself miserable because of it is not worth it.
You said she is eating healthy. Is she gettting enough protein. With her thyroid her weight loss will be slower. If she is working out and if she isn't getting enogh protein then she could actually gain weight. Also if she isn't getting enogh water. the website below should help out some more.

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