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Tanglefert | 01:36 Tue 25th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
Help me write a quiz please, no trick questions tho. Give me weird and wonderful :)


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. is a pretty good website when it comes to compiling quizzes. Hope that helps!
weird and wonderful,how many questions do you want per AB member Tanglefert?
�10 for the first person to lick their own elbow.
or stand back against a wall and touch their toes
"what do you call a non spanish-speaking american in spanish-speaking america? "
is a quiz question that's always stuck in my mind!
The best site for free quizzes is hive.htm

There is more than enough for what you want Rgds Al
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How did David Bowie get a differet coloured eye?

He had a fight with Keith Moon's (The Who's legendary drummer) mate in the school yard playground, knocking his cornea.
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what is 20 bottles of chsmpsgne called?

A nebechanuser (that might be spelt wrong cant remember it exactly)

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