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star signs

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stylinsam | 14:03 Wed 26th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
hey guys im bored come on tell me what your star signs are so i can read em in the sun!

im on my dinner break!! lol

im a cancer so is 4getmenot funnily enough!!


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im gemini, am i gonna win the lottery ? please say yes so i dont have to go to work in 20 mins
I am aqueeryarse , I wanna win the lottery too please.
virgo me , does it say anything about a job offer , i'v just been tapped up !
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pixi its says a partner could be sharing some good news with you, and it says you will feel sexy when you see a person you havnt seen for a while nothing about the lottery though babes sorry !!!
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oh bother yours ses look in the charity shop for love!!!
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gazza yours ses new love is carrying a camera!! no lottery though!! sorry!

whos an aries its says love can give you extra luck with the lottery!!
I'm a sagittarius! Whats in store for me???? x
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sorry gazza i mean no job offer not lottery !!! iv got lottery on the brain!
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caz21 yours ses cash could be on its way back to you ! and a partner needs your gentle touch!!
Awwww!! He always does the big baby!!! ;o)
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lol @ kaz21 ;o)
Oh No, Is he in there again, I'll kill him if he brings anymore sh1te home!!
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lmao @ oh bother !!!
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im gonna start charging for this lol<I/> mystic sam your star signs for a fiver
lol... i've got about 58p on my desk, but that's all, i'm afraid.

I'm Cancerian too Sam... what does it say...?
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it says luck circles the letter j and been more self reliant is a good feeling but when it comes to love you make a choice which surprises evry1 unfortunatly nothing about money ! ;o(
Anything on capricorns please?
Im a Scorpio!!!!

Love my star sign i do. :0D
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nat 84 yours ses anter a contest to win your dream car!! and your love feelings could get stronger when you share a pasta meal!!! o aye!!! ;o)
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enter not anter

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