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Hi guys - if it's not too impertinent a question -

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angeldraws | 14:23 Mon 21st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
113 Answers
how old are all you ABers?

I'm 39 - oh my god 40 next year........aaaaargggghhhhhh


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Hi angeldraws!

I'm 21, 22 in January (another Capricorn!) :o)
Crikey, all this running has worn me out...

Think I'll have to go lie down awhile...

Better make sure the incontinence sheet is on the bed...

I shouldn't joke though, in case I offend one of the wrinkles (Oh that's me!) or even one of the crumblies !!
OK whiskeysheri, stop rubbing my nose in it !! LOL
im 21 - 22 in dec
Aww, I'm sorry ttt :o(

For what it's worth, I presumed you were in your 30s (what a creep, eh? ;o)) x
Hey freak,

What date in Dec?
Sorry, do you mind me calling u by your first name? lol
Must be the new haircut, whiskey!
so any other sagi's?
Gotcha mcfluffy!!!

Yes, me me me that's why I asked mr/mrs unique...
yep got me but proud to be!
Well tictac,that'll be why bobby is with me eh?He likes a younger lady???lol
(dont mean it)xx
Oi electric, Our dear friend bobby was born:

17th August, 1943 in New York making him 6yrs older than moi !!

Mr n00dles birthday was on the 18th - so I had to buy two birthday cards...

Did you see I had saved (cut/paste) last nites thread?
but it is still active, so no need to send down the line...

aahhh scrimping and saving noodles now i get the age thing xxx
Didnt see but see the thread is still going,finished now though it seems,the little boys have done on that one it seems?
Have I frightened freak_unique away, since I asked the date in Dec?
mccfluffy, electric asked me late last night to let her know today the outcome of the battle of the giants, but it fizzled out anyway...
reckon the guys are all on dots thread,learning how to get an attention span?
err look now girls getting banned left right and centre what a f is going on? i like to play but also answer q's what the harm????
Im 100

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