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How do you know when you're in love?

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Madgirl2 | 21:54 Thu 14th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I've been with my BF for 2 years. I was never struck down with a thunderbolt of blinding love when I met him. He is funny, witty and intelligent. When we're together sometimes I feel neither here nor there emotionally. When we're apart I don't particularly miss him-maybe because we are never apart for more than a few days. But when we fall out and things look like they're going to end, my heart hurts so much and I know that I can't be without him. Am I in love? If so, why don't I feel stronger emotions when I'm with him? I'm confused.


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Well the thunderbolt sort of love is very exhilarating but it does not always make the best match and often fades out in the same dramatic way as it started. Arranged marriages often work because people's backgrounds and other things are taken into account and 'love grows'. If you are well matched mentally, physically and spiritually then that is far more likely to be a longer lasting and successful long term relationship. Being 'in love' is a bit like an illness, it can be very irrational and give false readings.
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Very wise Lady P Gold. We are matched very well in every way so I guess it must be right!
hi i had the same thing wiv my BF in fact i really thought i didn't like him much for the first year! then when i fell pregnant n had a miscarrage i realised just how much i love him n 2 cut a long story short we went on to have a daughter oh and we've been together 6 years now n been happily married for 3 years! i'm not saying have a baby but it can take trying times to make u realise ur true feelings!
Been with my husband 14 years, feel exactly like you. It's like picking petals off a daisy on a daily basis. He loves me, he loves me not......................
Do we love each other....Probably. Do we need time apart.............probably. Could we live without each other.................probably NOT. Its not being with the person that you should be thinking about, it's being without them.
it took me a long time to admit my absolute love for my husband...looking back it was because my sis was totally in love...besotted...thunderbolt. then he died and i thought i never want to be like that. only now i know thats what i thought. i always felt scared to be that much in love. thing is, she fell in love again and didnt feel like that. it actually took for us to break up for 2 months for me to feel really in love so happy now. he works away and when he is due home im like a kid, all butterflies, he feels the same, we go on a date and meet up..its great...its my silver wedding next year! to answer your question..theres no right or wrong answer...only you will know if he's the right one! i say enjoy every special defo love babe!!
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Thanks everyone. I feel so much better knowing that I'm not the only one who has questioned it. I know I can't be without him so it must be love! Cheers guys x

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How do you know when you're in love?

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