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Just wondered if...

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snagged | 23:24 Tue 24th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
117 Answers
...any 'ABers' have actually got 'together' as a result of chatting on here?...


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Ray - just how many women do you have on the go?? You male floozy!!
Wrong thread Pinky... Lol!
oooo im one of rays ;o)
well the question did say about chatting - so we are!! lol
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Which corner?... (that's a 'question' China Doll)!...
Disgusting behaviour.... you wouldn't catch me doing that ;0)

Heh.... I might go play on another thread now....I'm feeling mischievious....
one of those days China - my brain is frazzled!
fms, it was more of a fireman appreciation society and your name came up!!!! Don't think we quite got round to getting the t-shirts printed but it was on the cards. Shame, you must have missed it all! lol

China, so sorry, You are quite right!! im off to stand in the corner now! :-(
That one over there >>>>>

And put the 'naughty' hat on too! Honestly....
I hope you haven't been ,naughty, casey
Jules, you go to the corner up there ^^^^^^

You'll just all chat if you're in the same corner.

Go on, off you go... And when you're ready come back and apologise!

Whiskey - if you're about - I got my letter last night!! Jesus - needed a lie down after reading it!
Hello snagged, did you mail me ? ididn't get it honest, I allways reply to e-mails honest I do,

e-mail me [email protected]

Hello ladies,hope you are all well, I must be a strumpet,
yes china, i will use the time to reflect upon my bad behaviour. :-( i dont like being told off!
who me leo noway dude im as pure as the preverbial
good!! just checking.........
I would speak to you Ray but im not allowed to, at least for several minutes anyway. China said so
<sneaks past all the hormones and calls to 4getmenot>

are you free next weds eve sis to meet up with Pink?
Julie I will speak to you,in private, we got a wedding to arrange, somebody has to make an honest man of me xx
LOL, ad! Top marks! ;o)

Ooh, Pinky, I need details! Email me! xxx

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