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Happy Birthday for Dot and unruliejulie!!!!

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Silversky | 19:24 Mon 30th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
Have a good day tomorrow!!! We Can all be spooky together!!! LOL


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Oooops I missed that too, Silversky. Please feel free to curse me tomorrow..I shall be thinking of you as I am apple bobbing!

have a great day :o)

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I think I'm the one on the left... LOL!
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And pippa... don't worry, I won't curse you much ; )
Nah, I wouldn't I love you all too much...
thank you so much Pippa that is a lovely thing to say and thanks to you all!
Hellion,you got us all together! result!
silversky, im definitely the one on the right cause red is my colour.i always wear that on my birthday! :-) Oh, and thats my nose without a doubt!
Happy birthday Ladies, all three of you,you are all lovely, Julie my special darling I shall speak to you tomorrow XXX
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thank you all for your lovely wishes... you're all lovely...
especially the lovely raysparx, must be the best aber ever!
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wow, how many times can you say 'lovely' in one sentence?
dotty and julie are witches !?!?


here`s hoping both your Culdrons are filled with frog and fishes eyes..

funky, the cauldrons are already on the boil in aticipation ;-) frogs eyes a plenty
Ray, speak tomorrow X Thank you so much to you all X
Oh and silversky, you can never use the word lovely too many times in one sentence to describe our lovely Ray!
Awwwww, silversky & Julie that is so nice thank you both, you really are kind ladies, have a great day silver,hope your job is going well, I want you on the tele one day cooking something special,so all can see how talented you are xx
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Awww thank you ray, *hugs* your the best... I would ask you to be my ab daddy, but Im worried that you maybe offended! :S
Silver, I would be delighted, please consider yourself adopted,Julie can be a witness, take care and keep living your dream xx
I'll be your witness, no worries, Silversky, a better birthday pressie you couldn't have had!
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I know... I feel so privilaged! Gosh! It's the best birthday already... and it's not even the 31st yet! :p
To Dot happy birthday from the old bird. To julie happy birthday from the refined old lady.To silversky, happy birthday(I once told you I would be proud to have you as my daughter,where does that put poor Ray)
Happy birthday and to my mum too!
Hello oldwoman, looks like we better get hitched what you doing next wednesday week ?

get rid of the old man,meet me at scotch corner we can go to gretna and get spliced,hope you can cook cos I'm a lazy old git, oh and tea no sugar thanks xx

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