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Getting in Contact

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Eve | 21:09 Tue 19th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
20 Answers
Who was the last person you:

i) Phoned and phoned you & about what.

ii) E.mailed you/you e.mailed & about what.

iii) Wrote a letter to & vice versa and how long ago.


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1) My boss and he phoned me back about two minutes ago, about copper piping!!!

2) My mate in London just to see how he was and he emailed back asking the usual questions.

3) Sometime last year to tell my boyfriend what a w@nker he was!!!
1, I last phoned my husband and the last person who phoned me was my Mum- In-law, about nothing in particular

2, raysparx and raysparx, just our usual daily e-mail. :-)

3, Some old friends who i met on holiday back in 1990, but it was a while ago now, last xmas i think, i dont do much letter writing anymore.
1. my wife whose in the States all over christmas and into New year likely as not :(
2.My brother over some business.
3. My mother about 2 years ago.
1/ my mum phoned see how my day in the shop went
i phoned my bro just for a chat

2/ i emailed an ABer with a very soppy e-card!!(you know who you are!!! lol )
I got a lovely email from Raysparx about the days goings on

3/ i received a letter from my t**t of an ex pouring his manky heart out to me.
i wrote a letter to my friend in Afghanistan, telling him i sm sooooo going to miss him over Christmas.


p.s how did the date go?? ;) xx
Question Author

1) My mum phoned me on my landline and asked me if I was at home?!? Last phoned the gorgeous man I was on a date with last night..swooon....

2) I e.mailed my mate thanking her for doing such a fab job doing my hair. Had a forward off the lovely Mr Sparx.

3) Work letter, it's bad but haven't written a proper letter in so long!! My mate send me a letter with loads of photos from his travels around the world.
i) One of my sexiest employees, I had an urgent question about copper piping.

ii) A friend of mine in the sticks, just the usual questions

iii) Last year, caught masturbating, not hard to do.

pmsl xxx

pmsl Whiffey
Question Author
Hey honey, the date was fantastic :) He's sooo sooo lovely, such a gentleman (and gorgeous, he has the most beautiful dark eyes I could drown in) and so affectionate, we went for a lovely romantic italian meal and walked back holding hands and...well...I woke up wrapped in his arms this morning :) I'm a very happy me :)
Did know what Jenna???????????
i) Close friend who is a colleague and who is on leave called me to ask what the ch*ff our boss was playing at. Then I called her back on the way home to tell her.

ii) Work friend emailed me to tell me that her new boyfriend has cotton wool for a brain and I emailed my boss' boss and HR to kick off

ii) My cousin wrote to me to apologise for missing my wedding but that she'd love to see the pictures (she was being polite), I wrote to the airline asking if they could increase my baggage allowance for the transport of charity goods (not my charity i.e. shoes but exercise books and the like)
Hey Whiffster.....are those kisses for me?
Question Author
All shall be revealed on msn ;) x
1) I spoke to God down the big white telephone

2) Emailed a bird at work

3) wrote a letter to the taxman
1) i phoned my partner to let him know my mum would pick him up.
She rang me to let me know she was going to get him

2)I last emailed a google search on to my friends about my name
Mine was from a friend mailing me her results

3) I wrote an enclosing letter with my little girls child trust fund voucher
I recieved a christmas card from a riend who is currently off-line updating me on her house move
My mother-in-law phoned, I phoned my hubby

Someonr from ebay!, I emailed the breeder of my pup

I wrote a love letter to my hubby (then boyfriend) a couple of years ago, he wrote one back!!

1, work to tell them i would be late/ some nice indian lady, rang to ask me if i was enjoying coronation street, and how mild the weather was, she said her name was julie from bournemouth, i said thats funny i'm gunder din frim bombay

2, some nice company offering viagra, and penis enlargers/ well i better not say, was a return e-mail

3, from southwark council thanking me for driving in a bus lane, so i wrote replied with a jolly letter
i) my mother to see how her dogs are (house sitting for a few weeks)

ii) my father to remind me to remind his gardener to put a parafin heater in the shed so his home brew does not freeze

iii) apart from buisness letters, statements and bills (and Christmas/Birthday cards) I really do not know the last time I had a letter. Is that sad?
1. Pedro B, how much he wants to be with me
2. my ex sis in law, i emailed my friend Becky to wish her a merry xmas as not heard from her since July
3. No letters written for ages.....and ages
i)I phoned my sister yesterday. General gossip. My husband phoned me half an hour ago, telling me he'll be home late.
ii)My sister, e-mailed me her scan pic today. I e-mailed the Training Co-ordinator at work, yesterday, to tell her the Counselling course she arranged for me was pants!
iii)I wrote to a Social Worker about a service user at work, yesterday. Had a few letters yesterday from Social Services! Not very exciting, eh?!x
Hi Jenna! :o)

i) I last phoned someone to chase payment and got told where to go. Christmas spirit, indeed! Last phonecall I received was from my ex.

ii) I emailed stylinsam and she emailed me back. Catching up on lots of gossip and made me laugh.

ii) Last letter I received was from a friend I met on holiday years ago and the last one I wrote... does a post card count? On my holiday last week, to my sister (she still hasn't got it).


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