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calmed down

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newmantoday | 17:22 Mon 08th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
i have calmed down now and i have decided that i am going to go home and talk things through with her because i love her and hshe is my life and i want us to be together do you think this is the right thing to do not that i care but just out of opinion


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I know mine was changing 2 but seemed appropriate
pmsl Althey!
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and who were you before

At the risk of making myself look a plank (hey, what's new!). I'm taking this guy at face value (even though I thought (think?) it's Nooman).

Alot of folk are laying into you for saying you wanted to slap/punch your girlfriend, which in all fairness is a natural gut reaction and one we all can empathise with. Afterall she cheated on you, of course you're angry!

I don't for a second believe you would actually carry out physical violence towards her (I hope anyway!)

And i don't believe that once a cheater always a cheater. Couples can and do work through situations like this, sometimes it makes them a stronger couple.

Go home- sit her down, find out WHY she cheated. If you think your relationship is repairable, go for it.

Good luck!
oh what the heck its either wardy or whiffey dont you just lobe them.
could be an anagram
I love wardy. whiffey is more like marmite to me :-)
pa____ul - very funny!!
4 get. do you mean brown and sticky ?
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We give up - what was your name then??
hes french !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not that you care about opinions here (quoting you) but I feel you would have received a lot of good advice and sympathy had you bothered to apologise for your attitude shown on your post. I am happy that you have calmed down - if you are so volatile to strangers on a forum then I dread to think how you treat the love of your life and can understand why you are apart at the moment.........well, get yourself in order before you mess up your partners life, your own life and use ABers as whipping sticks, eh?
A mad new tony!!!!
to save you looking in your last thread - newmantoday, I think you need to reassess your feelings for this girl. If you had real love for her you would not be calling her a ****, nor would you be wanting to punch her! If she had a one night fling with someone and you do actually love her (I am presuming you do know the meaning of the word love), then you should sit down calmly with her and find out what really did happen, why it happened and whether or not you two still have a future together, one in which there will not be a danger of this ever happening again. Even considering punching her is incredibly stupid and totally uncalled for! Punching someone - whether it be a man punching a woman or a woman punching a man is just simply WRONG and achieves nothing!!! Nor does calling her a ****! It may well be that you haven't exactly been the ideal partner either and that she was looking for something you were not giving her. It doesn't excuse her infidelity, but just consider that there will be two sides to this story. Either way, there is no need to have a go at any ABers. You post a question and you know that everyone has the right to answer. That is how the AB works. If you have to get nasty because of that, then you need to rethink you attitude as well. Most people like Crete, as do I, and don't like any ABer being singled out for abuse. This is a friendly site and we would like to keep it that way. Best of luck.

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